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Tumours of the appendix: Introduction
The most common tumours of the appendix are of epithelial and mesenchymal origin. Haematolymphoid tumours are rare at this site. Appendiceal neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are common and often discovered incidentally (see Appendiceal neuroendocrine neoplasms, p. 152). The appendix is also the site of mucinous neoplasms, usually of low grade, which can generate abundant mucin that accumulates in the peritoneal cavity. Colorectal-type adenocarcinomas are relatively rare in the appendix; when they occur, they resemble their colorectal counterparts morphologically and genetically. The ICD-0 topographical coding for the anatomical sites covered in this chapter is presented in Box 5.01.
In this fifth-edition volume, epithelial tumours of the appendix have been broadly classified as serrated lesions and polyps, mucinous neoplasms, adenocarcinomas, and neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), reflecting our current understanding of the behaviour and genetic findings associated with these lesions. The nomenclature for non-invasive lesions and polyps of the appendix now reflects that of their colorectal counterparts. The term “serrated lesion” is preferred to “serrated adenoma” or "serrated polyp”. The term “hyperplastic polyp” is retained.
The term "low-grade mucinous neoplasm" is recommended for lesions formerly classified as mucinous tumour of uncertain malignant potential, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, or mucinous cystadenoma; this recommendation is based on growing consensus regarding the nomenclature for these lesions {511} and their inclusion in current TNM staging systems (408). High-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm is now recognized as a subtype of appendiceal mucinous neoplasm.
Goblet cell carcinoid/carcinoma has been renamed goblet cell adenocarcinoma because of its composition predominantly of mucin-secreting cells and minor component of neuroendocrine cells. These tumours are staged according to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) system for appendiceal adenocarcinomas rather than with appendiceal NETs, because of their more-aggressive course.
The nomenclature for appendiceal NETs remains largely unchanged from the previous edition of this WHO classification, with the exception of the term "tubular NET", which was previously "tubular carcinoid”. The grading system for appendiceal NETs has been revised to include G3 NETs, in alignment with the grading of other gastrointestinal NETs.
阑尾NET的命名与WHO分类的前一版相比基本保持不变,但术语“管状NET”除外,它以前是“管状类癌”。阑尾NET的分级系统已被修订,纳入G3 NET,与其他胃肠道NET的分级一致。

Digestive System Tumours: WHO Classification of Tumours (Medicine)
WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board
World Health Organization
ISBN-13: 978-9283244998
ISBN-10: 9283244990