
外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

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第3章 感染和炎症
(Infection and Inflammation)

Let us review the types of inflammatory responses you may see. It seems very basic, but learning to differentiate inflammatory changes from dysplastic ones is a fundamental goal in pathology training.



Acute changes are the result of recent tissue damage, either from trauma, ischemia, toxins, or infection. Features include the following:


Vascular congestion




Fibrinous exudate


Tissue damage and/or necrosis


Neutrophils (“purulence”, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, polys


Acute inflammation can be followed by resolution (healing), fibrosis or scar, abscess formation (Figure 3.1), or a chronic inflammatory stage. Evidence of recent damage and reparative changes includes granulation tissue, hemosiderin, lipid-laden macrophages, and fibroblast proliferation.



外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.1 Acute inflammation and abscess formation. This example of the acute inflammatory response shows collections of neutrophils (abscess formation, 1), extravasated blood (2), prominent capillaries (3), and fibrin accumulation (4). Inset: the mixed inflammatory infiltrate includes plasma cells (PC), neutrophils (N), eosinophils (Eo), and lymphocytes (L).

3.1 急性炎症和脓肿形成。这例急性炎症反应显示中性粒细胞聚集(脓肿形成,1)、渗出的血液(2)、显著的毛细血管(3)和纤维素积聚(4)。插图:混合性炎症细胞浸润,包括浆细胞(PC)、中性粒细胞(N)、嗜酸性粒细胞(Eo)和淋巴细胞(L)

Granulation tissue has a characteristic look of a watery or myxoid background with sparse fibroblasts floating in it and a proliferation of inflammatory cells (all types) and capillaries (Figure 3.2). The endothelial cells of the capillaries can become quite prominent.


外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.2 Granulation tissue is characterized by a loose myxoid background with fibroblasts and inflammatory cells and by prominent capillaries with plump endothelial cells and thick walls. The stroma appears condensed and thickened around the capillaries, giving them a pink halo (arrow).

3.2 肉芽组织的特征疏松的黏液样背景,纤维母细胞和炎症细胞,显著的毛细血管伴有丰满的内皮细胞和厚的血管壁。围绕在毛细血管周围的间质显得浓缩和增厚,形成粉红色光(箭号)


Biopsy site changes, a term often used to indicate evidence of a recent procedure, include fibroblast proliferation (early scar), foreign body–type giant cells, suture material, foamy macrophages, fat necrosis, and inflammation. They have a more solid look to them than granulation tissue (Figure 3.3).



外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.3 Biopsy site changes. In this subcutaneous specimen, collagen has replaced most of the fat cells, and foamy histiocytes can be seen ingesting some residual fat (arrow). Inset: Hemosiderin in macrophages (golden yellow to brown granules) can be seen in sites of prior trauma or bleeding.

3.3 活检部位改变。这是皮下组织的标本,胶原蛋白已经取代了大部分脂肪细胞,可以看到泡沫状组织细胞摄取了一些残留的脂肪(箭号)。插图:在先前的创伤或出血部位可以看到巨噬细胞中的含铁血黄素(金黄色至棕色颗粒)

Scar tissue implies that a dense thick collagen has replaced the normal structures. In the skin, a dermal scar is evidenced by a homogeneous pink layer of collagen and absence of adnexal structures (Figure 3.4).


外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.4 Dermal scar. Dense pink collagen has replaced the adnexal structures and displaced the subcutaneous fat in this biopsy site.

3.4 皮肤瘢痕。致密的粉红色胶原已经取代了附属器结构,并取代了活检部位的皮下脂肪。


Chronic changes are the result of repetitive or sustained tissue damage due to trauma, ischemia, toxins, infection, or autoimmune processes. Features include the following:


Increased vascularity and/or fibrosis (attempts to heal


Tissue destruction


Lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, eosinophils


What is a macrophage? The precursor is a circulating monocyte, part of the myeloid lineage of blood cells (myeloid generally refers to cells in the granulocyte and monocyte groups, although it can also mean all cells that mature in the bone marrow, i.e., the opposite of lymphoid). The monocyte leaves the circulation and becomes a tissue macrophage. It can differentiate into organ-specific resident macrophages, such as microglia, Kupffer cells, and alveolar macrophages. It can also go to an area of inflammation and become activated, participating in the immune response. Activated macrophages are also called histiocytes and may be “epithelioid,” as in a granuloma, or “foamy,” as in lipid-laden or xanthomatous. Finally, macrophages can acquire multiple nuclei to become a Langerhans giant cell (ring of nuclei) or a foreign body–type giant cell (scattered nuclei).



外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.5 Histiocytes appear as pale folded nuclei within an area of inflammation; the cell borders are indistinct, but the nuclei are surrounded by light pink cytoplasm (circle). Compare the pale chromatin to that of the neighboring lymphocyte (arrowhead).

3.5 组织细胞在炎症区域内表现为淡染的折叠细胞核;细胞边界模糊,但细胞核被淡粉色细胞质包围(圆圈)。将淡染的染色质与相邻淋巴细胞(箭头)的染色质进行比较。

Histologically, histiocytes have a bland and fade-into-the-background look to match their name (literally, “tissue cell”). They have pale-pink granular cytoplasm, sometimes with chunky phagocytosed bits of material, and indistinct cell borders (Figure 3.5). The nuclei are light with crisp outlines, oval in shape, and often grooved. In tissue, a collection of histiocytes appears as an ill-defined pink area that is easy to miss. The nuclei often stream in a circular pattern like fish swimming in a barrel. Foamy macrophages are stuffed with lipid debris or organisms, and can have an almost signet-ring appearance.


What are eosinophils? Eosinophils have a bilobed nucleus and big red granules. They are usually an indication of an immune/IgE response, such as to drug allergy or parasites.


We usually refer to the presence of lymphocytes as chronic inflammation. Lymphocytes plus neutrophils equals acute and chronic inflammation. In the gastrointestinal tract, instead of acute we use active, such as active chronic gastritis or active chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Inactive in the gastrointestinal tract means increased lymphocytes but no polys.



A granulomatous appearance indicates a specific type of chronic inflammation with a small differential; it can be a result of mycobacteria (plus a few other bacteria), fungal infection, autoimmune disease, some toxins or irritants, and sarcoid. Granulomas are divided into caseating (usually infectious) and noncaseating.


The histologic appearance of a granuloma is a microscopic aggregate of histiocytes, with surrounding lymphocytes and plasma cells. The appearance ranges from tiny collections of histiocytes (as in Crohn’s disease; Figure 3.6), to large well-circumscribed whorls of cells (sarcoid; Figure 3.7), to a layer of histiocytes surrounding a pool of caseous necrosis (tuberculosis, fungus; Figure 3.8). Giant cells are helpful but not essential. Old granulomas can become hyalinized and acellular (Figure 3.9).


外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.6 Granulomas in Crohn’s disease. These granulomas of the colon are subtle (arrow), and the pale histiocytes may be seen only on high power. A surrounding collar of lymphocytes is common.

3.6 克罗恩病的肉芽肿。结肠的这些肉芽肿很轻微(),只有在高倍镜下才能看到淡染的组织细胞。周围常见衣领状淋巴细胞围绕。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.7 Granulomas in sarcoid. These granulomas are often more substantial and more easily recognized than those in Crohn’s disease. They appear as well-defined masses of pink histiocytes. Occasional multinucleated giant cells (arrowhead) are present.

3.7 结节病的肉芽肿。与克罗恩病的肉芽肿相比,这些肉芽肿通常更明显,更容易识别。它们表现为边界清晰的粉红色组织细胞团块。偶尔出现多核巨细胞(箭头)


Figure 3.8 Caseating granulomas in tuberculosis. The histiocytes in these granulomas are visible only at the periphery, as the center is a mass of necrosis and cellular debris (arrow).

外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

3.8 结核中的干酪样肉芽肿。这些肉芽肿中的组织细胞仅在周围可见,因为中心是一团坏死和细胞碎片(箭号)

外科病理学实践:诊断过程中初学者指南(校对版)丨第3章 感染和炎症(上)

Figure 3.9 Hyalinized granuloma. The amorphous area of hyalinized collagen likely represents old, burned-out necrosis.

3.9 玻璃样变的肉芽肿。透明变性的胶原形成无定形区域,可能代表陈旧性、燃烬的坏死。



The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC




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