外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第28章 软组织和骨 下
骨骼肌/横纹肌肿瘤(Skeletal Muscle Tumors)
Tumors of skeletal muscle are uncommon, and, as a terminal cell type with no stem cells or regenerative activity (like neurons), they are mainly seen in children or young adults (Table 28.6). They all get the rhabdo- prefix and should all stain with actin and desmin, plus special skeletal muscle markers myogenin and MyoD1. Other unrelated tumors in other sites sometimes are described as “rhabdoid;” remember that the –oid suffix means “looks like, but is not.” Therefore, the rhabdoid meningioma or rhabdoid tumor is not of muscle origin but simply displays similar cell shape and appearance.
表28.6 骨骼肌/横纹肌肿瘤。
Table 28.6. Skeletal muscle neoplasms.
The rhabdomyoma is a rare neoplasm of primitive skeletal muscle cells. The fetal rhabdomyoma generally occurs in children, typically in the head and neck, and resembles the embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma but without the atypia and mitoses. In adult men, the adult rhabdomyoma usually arises in the head and neck. In this variant, the cells are rhabdoid in shape, with small peripheral nuclei, and pink clumps of myofilaments in the cytoplasm, not unlike mature muscle cut in cross-section. The third variant, genital, occurs in adult women. This variant is predominantly composed of strap cells (elongated pink cells with cytoplasmic cross-striations), again without atypia or mitoses.
Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common sarcoma of children and is rare in adults. Remember that any high-grade sarcoma can acquire some rhabdo- differentiation, however. Pure rhabdomyosarcomas can be grouped into three subtypes: embryonal, alveolar, and pleomorphic. The pleomorphic type is found in adults.
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma comprises about 80% of cases and has a significantly better outcome than the alveolar type. It is composed of sheets of rhabdomyoblasts (plump and eosinophilic with large eccentric nuclei), nonspecific spindled cells, or strap cells (Figure 28.15). The botryoid subtype of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma refers to tumors occurring in a mucosal site, such as the genital tract.
Figure 28.15. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, botryoid type. The background is gelatinous, and the small spindle cells are nonspecific in appearance. Occasional strap cells are visible, with cytoplasmic muscle fibers (arrows).
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is a very aggressive variant and equals “unfavorable histology.” In this type, fibrous septa divide the tumor into packets, much like renal cell carcinoma, but the discohesive cells tend to fall apart in the middle of the packets (Figure 28.16). The solid variant may be indistinguishable from the small round blue cell tumors. As it turns out, the cytogenetic findings are different in embryonal and alveolar types. As the prognosis is so different, many centers are beginning to routinely do molecular tests on these tumors.
Figure 28.16. Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The alveolar pattern is outlined by fibrovascular septa (arrow), and the tumor cells tend to fall out of the centers of their nests. This example shows prominent rhabdomyoblast differentiation (arrowhead), with large cells full of dense pink cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei. Other specimens may show only small round blue cell phenotype.
图28.16 腺泡状横纹肌肉瘤。纤维血管间隔(箭)勾画出腺泡状模式,肿瘤细胞倾向于从细胞巢中心脱落。本例显示明显的横纹肌母细胞分化(箭头),大细胞充满致密的粉红色细胞质,核偏心。其他病例可能仅显示小圆蓝细胞表型。
外周神经/神经外胚层肿瘤(Peripheral Nerve/Neuroectodermal Tumors)
Nerves, as the axonal processes of terminally differentiated neurons around the spinal cord, do not actually form tumors. However, the cells associated with the nerve sheath do commonly produce neoplasms, including schwannoma and neurofibroma. Other tumors of neuroectodermal origin are included here as well.
The only lesion that could be called reactive, in this group, is the traumatic neuroma. This is a disorganized tangle of nerve endings, including Schwann cells, perineurium, and axons, that may be found at the location of prior surgery or trauma. On the slide, it looks like a large, frayed nerve.
The benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors include the schwannoma and the neurofibroma (Table 28.7). Both of these lesions are S100 positive. Both can undergo malignant transformation into the malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, although this is much less common in the schwannoma. However, the nerve sheath lesions, just like the pleomorphic lipoma, may occasionally acquire bizarre cytology that does not indicate malignancy. This degenerative atypia is called ancient change.
The schwannoma is an encapsulated lesion that arises from a peripheral nerve and can therefore be found anywhere in the body. It usually shows alternating hypercellular (Antoni A) and myxoid (Antoni B) areas, as well as characteristic parallel arrays of palisading cells called Verocay bodies (Figure 28.17). The cells themselves have euchromatic, fusiform nuclei that stream in parallel within a pink fibrillary background. Thick-walled, hyalinized vessels are typical, which look as though they have a layer of amyloid replacing the vessel wall.
神经鞘瘤是一种由外周神经引起的包裹性病变,因此可以在身体的任何地方发现。它通常显示交替的富细胞(Antoni A)区和黏液样少细胞(Antoni B)区,以及称为Verocay小体的栅栏状细胞的特征性平行阵列(图28.17)。细胞本身有正常染色的梭形细胞核,在粉红色的纤丝状背景中平行流动。厚壁玻璃样血管是典型表现,看起来好像有一层淀粉样蛋白取代了血管壁。
The cellular variant of schwannoma is still benign but can get quite hypercellular, and mitotically active (up to 10 mitoses per 10 hpf). The capsule and hyaline vessels should help to point you toward schwannoma. Foamy macrophages are common within this tumor.
The neurofibroma, in contrast, is an unencapsulated lesion that may appear as a nodule, a poorly circumscribed tumor, or a plexiform (“bag of worms”) tangle. It is pale to pink at low power, with a myxoid background and thin curly tendrils of collagen between the cells (Figure 28.18). The nuclei are pale, thin, and slightly undulating, as in a normal nerve, and there should be no mitoses. Unlike in the schwannoma, special stains may reveal axons trapped within the lesion.
表28.7 神经相关肿瘤。
Table 28.7. Nerve-related neoplams.
Figure 28.17. Schwannoma. In this spindle cell neoplasm, the long tapered nuclei tend to clump together and form arrays called Verocay bodies (arrow). Hyalinized vessels (arrowheads) are common. Inset: Occasional large atypical cells indicate ancient change, not malignancy.
图28.17 神经鞘瘤。在这例梭形细胞肿瘤中,核细长,一端渐细,核趋向于聚集在一起,排列成Verocay小体(箭)。常见玻璃样血管(箭头)。插图:偶见非典型大细胞,提示退变,而不是恶性肿瘤。
Figure 28.18. Neurofibroma. The nuclei tend to be thin and wavy (arrowhead), much like in a normal nerve. The tumor is usually paucicellular, with a myxoid background and delicate curly strands of wispy collagen (arrow).
图28.18 神经纤维瘤。细胞核往往细长、波浪状(箭头),很像正常神经的核。肿瘤通常是少细胞的,有黏液样背景和纤细卷曲的胶原丝(箭头)。
The malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is usually a high-grade sarcoma and often takes the morphology of the fibrosarcoma (Figure 28.19). It may retain some nerve sheath features, such as the wavy nuclei, nuclear palisading, or hyalinized vessels, but tends to lose most of its S100 reactivity. Mitoses should be present, unlike in a neurofibroma.
Figure 28.19. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Although the malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor sometimes resembles a fibrosarcoma, in this example it is more reminiscent of a neurofibroma, which was probably the origin in this case. There is a myxoid background and wavy collagen, but the cells are much more hyperchromatic and atypical than in a neurofibroma.
图28.19 恶性周围神经鞘瘤。虽然恶性周围神经鞘瘤有时类似纤维肉瘤,但本例更像神经纤维瘤,提示本例可能起源于神经纤维瘤。有黏液样背景和波浪状胶原,但细胞比神经纤维瘤更为深染,非典型更严重。
The granular cell tumor is a benign tumor that shows neural differentiation but that resembles a collection of foamy macrophages. It is often associated with striking pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia in mucosal sites. These epithelial changes may be mistaken for squamous cell carcinoma if the subtle underlying diagnostic granular cells are overlooked.
The paraganglioma is actually a neuroendocrine tumor but is included here as it is s ometimes presents as a soft tissue mass. It is a (usually) benign tumor with neuroendocrine-type nuclei, arranged in an alveolar pattern (Figure 28.20).
Figure 28.20. Paraganglioma. Fibrovascular septa (arrowhead) divide the neoplasm into small balls of cells (the “zellballen” pattern). The cells have small, perfectly round nuclei with neuroendocrine chromatin. Despite the paraganglioma’s classification as an extraadrenal pheochromocytoma, it resembles the carcinoid tumor more closely than the pheochromocytoma.
图28.20 副神经节瘤。纤维血管间隔(箭头)将肿瘤分割成小球(细胞球)。这些细胞有小而圆的细胞核和神经内分泌型染色质。尽管副神经节瘤被分类为肾上腺外嗜铬细胞瘤,但它比嗜铬细胞瘤更像类癌。
血管肿瘤(Vascular Tumors)
Reactive lesions of capillaries are very common, as an inherent part of the healing process is the formation of new vasculature. Granulation tissue, which fills in a defect in the body tissues, has very prominent capillaries with large endothelial cells (see Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3). The capillaries of granulation tissue are plump and round, with at least two cell layers (endothelium and pericytes), and may be crowded but do not appear interconnected. Neoplastic vessels, on the other hand, are often lacking the pericyte component and typically form anastomotic channels and slit-like spaces with sharp angular profiles. Extravasated blood cells are common in vascular neoplasms. The immunohistochemical markers for the vascular tumors are CD31 and CD34.
Papillary endothelial hyperplasia is a pattern of organizing thrombus that may occur within a vessel or hematoma. It may be seen incidentally in a surgical specimen or represent a symptomatic small mass by itself, in which case it is called a Masson’s tumor. It is composed of tiny fibrin papillae covered by thin endothelium (Figure 28.21).
A hemangioma is a benign neoplasm of vascular elements, and there are many subtypes, including the common capillary hemangioma, the cavernous hemangioma, and the juvenile hemangioma (Table 28.8). The hemangiomas generally have round, nonbranching vessels, although they may be very crowded or dilated, and the capillaries are surrounded by a pericyte layer. The pyogenic granuloma, once thought to be a reactive lesion, may in fact be a true neoplasm and is now called lobular capillary hemangioma. It is a circumscribed mass of capillaries with associated inflammation and ulceration. This lobular (circumscribed with rounded contours) appearance is characteristic of benign vascular lesions in general.
Figure 28.21. Papillary endothelial hyperplasia. Fingers of fibrin and red blood cells (asterisks), not true fibrovascular cores, are lined by bland endothelial cells (arrowhead).
图28.21 乳头状内皮增生。纤维素和红细胞(星号)的形成的手指状结构,不是真正的纤维血管轴心,被覆形态学温和的内皮细胞(箭头)排列。
表28.8 血管肿瘤。
Table 28.8. Vascular neoplams.
For every category of endothelial lesions there is an epithelioid variant, in which the endothelial cells acquire a lot of cytoplasm, becoming plump and epithelial-looking, often with cytoplasmic lumina that are their attempts at vessels. These variants are challenging because they may not look particularly vascular. Negative epithelial markers (cytokeratins, EMA) are helpful, but unfortunately some epithelioid vascular neoplasms may express some keratins.
The indolent malignant lesions of endothelium are called hemangioendothelioma. The epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is a sclerosing lesion with cords of vacuolated cells, some of which may contain red blood cells within the vacuoles, a diagnostic feature (Figure 28.22). It can be very difficult to distinguish from carcinoma without stains.
Figure 28.22. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. A rare but distinctive tumor, the epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is characterized by a dense fibrotic or sclerotic background, with small capillary spaces (arrowhead) and single cells with intracytoplasmic lumens complete with red blood cells (arrow).
图28.22 上皮样血管内皮瘤。这是一种罕见但独特的肿瘤,其特征是致密的纤维化或硬化背景,有小的毛细血管腔(箭头),单个细胞有胞质内空腔,空腔含有完整的红细胞(箭)。
Kaposi’s sarcoma, a virally induced (human herpesvirus type 8) low-grade sarcoma seen primarily in patients with HIV, has several stages and appearances, ranging from the most subtle of slit-like spaces in the dermis (see Chapter 27) to a dense spindle cell lesion. Because of the many variants, and a considerable array of “Kaposiform” mimickers, the differential diagnosis is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Angiosarcoma is the high-grade endothelial tumor, and it too has many variants. It can occur in organs, such as the liver or breast, especially after exposure to toxins or radiation. However, it can also arise in soft tissues de novo. Lymphedema is a recognized risk factor. Angiosarcoma classically shows branching, anastomotic irregular spaces with bulbous atypical cells lining the spaces (the hobnail pattern; Figure 28.23). Pericytes are typically absent, and at the periphery the tumor infiltrates into the surrounding tissue. This infiltrative border is very helpful in identifying malignant lesions.
Figure 28.23. Angiosarcoma. In some areas the tumor cells have begun to grow as a solid sheet, but there are still vascular spaces visible, and full of blood. Large and hyperchromatic malignant cells protrude into the lumina (arrow) in a hobnail pattern. The tumor cells also show prominent nucleoli.
图28.23 血管肉瘤。部分区域,肿瘤细胞已开始生长成为一个实性成片,但仍有可见的血管腔,并充满血液。大而深染的恶性细胞以鞋钉状突向管腔内(箭)。肿瘤细胞也有明显的核仁。
Naturally, there is an epithelioid variant of angiosarcoma. The epithelioid angiosarcoma may look like a generic “very bad tumor” composed of sheets of plump cells with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli, having almost no vascular differentiation. This sort of tumor may be identified only after a large battery of stains.
There are several tumors with pericyte differentiation, those cells that surround and support the endothelial cells. They are not exactly smooth muscle cells and have their own phenotype and immunostaining profile. The glomus tumor is one such lesion, and the hemangiopericytoma was once thought to be of pericyte origin. The perivascular epithelioid cell tumor family of lesions are a unique group of neoplasms that share immunoreactivity for the melanoma markers HMB45 and Melan-A. This group includes the angiomyolipoma, covered in more detail in Chapter 13.
未知分化的恶性肿瘤(Malignant Tumors of Unknown Differentiation)
The following malignant tumors of unknown differentiation are all high grade by definition and mostly occur in younger people, adolescents to people in their thirties. Most are defined by translocations, with the exception of the epithelioid sarcoma (at least to date), which may explain why they do not particularly look or stain like other mesenchymal elements we are familiar with. An interesting general rule is that translocation tumors, despite being high grade, tend to have monomorphic populations of cells. The cells may be ugly, but they are uniformly so. This is in contrast to the pleomorphic MFH like cells of other high-grade sarcomas, which show complex karyotypes.
Synovial sarcoma, despite the name, is neither synovial in origin nor found in joint spaces. It does share characteristic cleft-like spaces with some benign synovial tumors and usually arises somewhere in the vicinity of a joint. The most recognizable form is the biphasic synovial sarcoma, in which packets of cytokeratin-positive, gland-forming, epithelial cells are scattered in a spindle cell background (Figure 28.24). Not much else looks like that. However, the synovial sarcoma more commonly presents in monophasic form, which is just the spindle cell component. It is a blue and hypercellular tumor, with a monomorphic population of nondescript spindle cells, and it should be in the differential diagnosis for fibrosarcomatous or storiform tumors.
Epithelioid sarcoma is notorious for being misdiagnosed, as it does not look much like a sarcoma. It presents as ulcerated nodules on the extremities of young men and at low power resembles a large granulomatous reaction with central geographic (continent-shaped) necrosis. On higher power the tumor cells range from monomorphic spindle cells to large epithelioid cells with pink cytoplasm. Epithelioid sarcoma is unusual in that it shows reactivity to both vimentin, a sarcoma marker, and cytokeratin, a carcinoma marker.
Alveolar soft part sarcoma is a translocation tumor involving the TFE3 gene. It is divided into small packets of cells by a capillary network, similar to a renal cell carcinoma, and in fact looks somewhat carcinoma-like. The cells are large and eosinophilic with round nuclei and prominent nucleoli.
Figure 28.24. Biphasic synovial sarcoma. There are gland-like spaces surrounded by epithelial cells (arrowhead), set in a background of spindle cells (arrow). Monophasic synovial sarcoma lacks the epithelial component and can resemble fibrosarcoma.
图28.24 双相性滑膜肉瘤。有衬覆上皮样细胞的腺样腔隙(箭头),位于梭形细胞(箭)背景中。单相性滑膜肉瘤缺乏上皮样成分,类似纤维肉瘤。
Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue is one of several translocation tumors linked to the EWS gene. It is called melanoma of soft parts, as it stains with melanoma markers and may even produce melanin. Another EWS tumor is the desmoplastic small round cell tumor, which like it sounds is a small round blue cell tumor in a sclerotic background. The third tumor in this group is Ewing’s sarcoma, which is cytogenetically identical to the peripheral neuroectodermal tumor. It is discussed with bone tumors.
骨肿瘤(Tumors of Bone)
For tumors of bone, involving bone, or simulating bone, the radiograph is the gross examination. As in vascular lesions, a well-differentiated neoplasm may be classified as benign or low-grade malignant largely by the degree to which it infiltrates or invades surrounding tissue or bone. In bone, this infiltration of the periphery is best assessed by a radiologist. General features are the following:
Benign lesions tend to be clearly defined, well circumscribed, and walled off by a layer of reactive bone (a thin rim on x-ray). Benign entities also tend to evoke a thick and smooth periosteal reaction (thickening).
Aggressive lesions, which include infectious or malignant lesions, tend to be poorly circumscribed, reflecting their infiltration of surrounding bone. Aggressive lesions tend to produce an onion-skin, spiculated, or discontinuous periosteal reaction.
The second major principle is that primary bone tumors are rare and mainly occur in young adults and children. For any patient over 50 years, the first three items in the differential diagnosis for a bony lesion are metastasis, metastasis, and metastasis. Number four is a hematopoietic malignancy such as myeloma.
成骨肿瘤(Bone-Forming Tumors)
First, how does bone form? In the fetus, the main pathway is by endochondral ossification, in which new bone is laid down in the cartilage scaffolding. However, in the membranous bones of the fetal skull, and in the adult at sites of reparative bone, the first step is the synthesis of osteoid (a salmon-pink acellular matrix) by osteoblasts and its subsequent mineralization with calcium hydroxyapatite. This immature bone has a disorganized collagen framework and is called woven bone. Continuing development and remodeling produce bone with organized sheets of collagen visible as parallel seams within the trabeculae or cortex; this mature configuration is called lamellar bone. Neoplastic or reactive bone is always woven type; fragments of lamellar bone within a lesion must be entrapped native bone.
Second, how do we look at bone? Most histologic sections of bone are decalcified, so the pink fragments of “bone” you see are the osteoid left behind. Calcium phosphate itself is dark purple on H&E. In lesions with osteoid formation, which may include anything from reactive metaplastic bone to fibrous dysplasia to osteosarcoma, the osteoid (pink) can be differentiated from collagen or amyloid (also pink) by the process of mineralization, seen as a purple tinge within the seams of osteoid. Dystrophic calcification in soft tissue, such as tumoral calcinosis, is not the same as bone formation. Reactive bone formation, such as in myositis ossificans, is true bone but is not neoplastic.
The most common benign bone-forming neoplasm is the osteoid osteoma (Table 28.9). This lesion is composed of a small (
表28.9 成骨肿瘤。
Table 28.9. Bone-forming tumors.
Figure 28.25. Osteoid osteoma or osteoblastoma (depending on size). At the nidus of the lesion, osteoid is laid down in a lace-like pattern (arrow) by benign osteoblasts. The hyaline pink substance can be identified as osteoid by the dark purple seams of mineralization (arrowhead).
图28.25 骨样骨瘤或骨母细胞瘤(取决于大小)。在病变的瘤巢处,良性成骨细胞把类骨质铺成花边样模式(箭)。透明粉红色物质是类骨质,因为有深紫色矿化层(箭头)。
At the other end of the spectrum lies osteosarcoma. The conventional type is a high-grade sarcoma. The usual appearance is that of a high-grade spindle cell neoplasm in which the tumor cells are associated with osteoid deposition (Figure 28.26). The osteoid is laid down in a lace-like pattern, very much like the inside of an osteoma. In fact, a well-differentiated osteosarcoma may be difficult to differentiate from an osteoblastoma. The difference is in the associated population of spindled or atypical cells and in the infiltrative periphery (best appreciated on x-ray). Osteosarcomas may have a wide range of morphologies, including chondroblastic, fibroblastic, and small cell. The unifying and defining feature is the production of osteoid by tumor cells, but osteoid may be sparse and focal. Resections of osteosarcoma are usually done postchemotherapy, at which time the goal is quantifying the amount of viable tumor that remains.
Figure 28.26. Osteosarcoma. (A) The most-well differentiated tumors can be very difficult to distinguish from osteoblastoma by histology alone. The osteoid deposition is similar, except the osteoblasts may appear more hyperchromatic and atypical (arrow). (B) A less differentiated tumor can be difficult to identify as osteosarcoma because of the focal and subtle production of osteoid (arrowhead).
图28.26 骨肉瘤。(A)仅凭组织学很难区分分化最好的骨肉瘤与骨母细胞瘤。类骨质沉积相似,但成骨细胞可能更加深染和更加非典型(箭)。(B)分化较差的骨肉瘤很难识别,因为只有局灶和细微的类骨质(箭头)。
Some variants of osteosarcoma are more indolent. The parosteal osteosarcoma occurs on the surface of the bone, usually behind the knee of a young adult. This tumor is a low-grade sarcoma and is therefore not very cellular or atypical. It may resemble an osteochondroma, with well-formed cartilage and bone, but it is not in continuity with the marrow cavity. The similarly named but quite different periosteal osteosarcoma is also a surface lesion but is primarily chondroblastic and consists of a low-grade spindle cell population with cartilage formation.
成软骨肿瘤(Cartilage-Forming Tumors)
Cartilage-forming tumors produce a characteristic fluffy or concentric-ring pattern of calcification on x-rays (Table 28.10). The osteochondroma is almost diagnosable by x-ray alone, as it stands out from the bone surface like a mushroom. Histologically, it is a bony stalk in continuity with the main marrow space, capped by mature cartilage, looking very much like a duplicated joint surface. Osteochondromas carry a small risk of transformation to chondrosarcoma.
表28.10 成软骨肿瘤。
Table 28.10. Cartilage-forming tumors.
The enchondroma is merely an island of benign, hypocellular, mature cartilage occurring within the marrow space of the bone. It is usually asymptomatic in long bones but is more often found in the small bones of the hands and feet, where it leads to a visible swelling. The tumor consists of mature cartilage, which is a pale blue matrix with varying amounts of calcification (purple) and single chondrocytes sitting in bubble-like lacunae (Figure 28.27).
Figure 28.27. Enchondroma. This example shows a sheet of well-differentiated cartilage, with the characteristic blue, somewhat glassy matrix and small chondrocytes embedded in lacunae (arrowhead). The seam of mineralization (arrow) should not be mistaken for osteoid formation. A well-differentiated chondrosarcoma could look very similar histologically.
图28.27 内生性软骨瘤。本例显示一层分化良好的软骨,其特征为蓝色,有点玻璃样基质,小的软骨细胞嵌入陷窝中(箭头)。矿化层(箭)不要误认为是类骨质形成。高分化软骨肉瘤可能很像这种在组织学。
The chondroblastoma is also benign and is notable for a peculiar pattern of calcification that rings the lacunae, creating a chicken-wire or honeycomb effect. The chondromyxoid fibroma is rare but is in the differential diagnosis for a well-differentiated cartilage lesion in bone. It has both a fibrous component and a cartilaginous component.
Chondrosarcoma is typically a mass of atypical but recognizable cartilage, ranging from the low-grade chondrosarcoma (histologically resembling enchondroma) to the high-grade chondrosarcoma (Figure 28.28) based on cellularity, pleomorphism, and mitotic activity. It may be located on the surface of the bone or in the medullary cavity. Features that separate the well-differentiated chondrosarcoma from benign enchondromas include erosion of the inner cortex of bone, entrapment of trabeculae, myxoid change, and a tendency to involve the axial skeleton. Chondrosarcomas are tumors of adults (those in their thirties to fifties).
Figure 28.28. Chondrosarcoma. The cartilage matrix resembles normal cartilage, but the chondrocytes are pleomorphic in size and shape.
图28.28 软骨肉瘤。软骨基质与正常软骨相似,但软骨细胞的大小和形状具有多形性。
Chondrosarcomas, even high-grade ones, do not typically have a spindle cell component. A well-differentiated chondrosarcoma with an abrupt transition to high-grade sarcoma (of any pattern) is most likely a dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. As in the liposarcoma family, this diagnosis relies on seeing the previous or adjacent chondrosarcoma. However, a tumor that shows a gradual transition from cartilaginous areas to high-grade spindle cell areas is more likely a chondroblastic osteosarcoma. Confused? Keep reading.
Osteosarcomas often form cartilage (“chondroblastic”), and chondrosarcomas may mineralize into bone. How do we identify the primary nature of the neoplasm? Chondrosarcoma is a neoplasm of recognizable cartilage without a spindle cell sarcoma component, and the bone formation is through the direct mineralization or ossification of the cartilage, not by osteoid deposition. A cartilage-forming osteosarcoma, on the other hand, should have areas of spindle cells that are producing osteoid. A spindle cell neoplasm intermixed with cartilage, even if the osteoid is not obvious, is more likely to be in the osteosarcoma family.
骨的纤维性肿瘤和杂项肿瘤(Fibrous and Miscellaneous Tumors in Bone)
Fibrous dysplasia is a lytic and fibrotic lesion (a developmental abnormality, not really a neoplasm) seen mainly in long bones and craniofacial bones (Table 28.11). M icroscopically, the lesion consists of a low-grade spindle cell population in which thin trabeculae of woven bone are laid down in a distinct pattern resembling (to English speakers) Chinese letters. Unlike typical reactive bone in an inflammatory lesion, osteoblasts are not visible surrounding the trabeculae. Ossifying fibroma is a very similar lesion that occurs in the shins (tibia, fibula) of very young children, only ossifying fibroma does show prominent osteoblastic rimming. Finally, we have the nonossifying fibroma, which is the low-grade fibroblastic population seen in the above lesions, except without the woven bone formation. It is essentially equivalent to a benign fibrous histiocytoma in other sites. The malignant correlates of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (not uncommon) and fibrosarcoma (rare) can occur in bone as well.
纤维结构不良(fibrous dysplasia)是一种溶骨性和纤维性病变(发育异常,并非真正的肿瘤),主要见于长骨和颅面骨(表28.11)。显微镜下,病变由低级别梭形细胞组成,其中编织骨的细小梁以独特的模式排列,对说英语的人来说就像汉字(象形文字)。不同于炎症病变中典型的反应性骨,该病小梁周围未见成骨细胞。骨化性纤维瘤是一种非常类似的病变,发生在小儿胫部(胫骨、腓骨),只有骨化性纤维瘤确实显示明显的成骨细胞边缘。最后,还有非骨化性纤维瘤,这是在上述病变中看到的低级别纤维母细胞群,但没有编织骨形成。实质上相当于其他部位的良性纤维组织细胞瘤。骨也可能发生恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(并不少见)和纤维肉瘤(罕见)。
表28.11 骨的纤维性肿瘤和杂项肿瘤。
Table 28.11. Fibrous and miscellaneous tumors in bone.
(fibrous dysplasia按传统译为纤维结构不良,又称纤维异常增殖症,是不明原因的纤维骨性病变。在骨的瘤样病变中最为常见,约占40%。补充图片如下)
The giant cell tumor of bone is a lytic, destructive lesion seen at the ends of long bones in adults. It is composed of a mixture of osteoclast-like giant cells, often with over 50 nuclei, mixed with a background population of mononuclear cells (the true neoplastic component). Mitoses may be seen, but atypia is not. Giant cells, however, are not a unique feature, as they can be seen in almost any bony lesion. The principal differential is with the giant cell reparative granuloma.
Adamantinoma is a rare lesion of the tibia that may be composed of squamous, fibrous, or adamantinomatous (see discussion of craniopharyngioma in Chapter 26) cells. The main reason to know about it is to avoid calling it metastatic carcinoma.
Ewing’s sarcoma is a tumor of adolescents and young adults and appears as a small round blue cell tumor involving the bone. Like most embryonal-type tumors, the cells have hyperchromatic, round, blue nuclei without prominent nucleoli, high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratios with scant cytoplasm, and prominent necrosis and apoptosis (Figure 28.29). It is classically positive for CD99 and overlaps with the peripheral neuroectodermal tumor, which has identical cytogenetics. The differential diagnosis includes true metastases from other small round blue cell tumors, lymphoma/leukemia, and the small cell variant of osteosarcoma.
Figure 28.29. Ewing’s sarcoma. The medullary cavity of bone is replaced by a small round blue cell tumor.
图28.29 尤因肉瘤。骨髓腔被小圆形蓝细胞肿瘤所取代。
关节病变(Joint Lesions)
Synovial chondromatosis is one of the few true tumors of the joint space (Table 28.12). It is characterized by the accumulation of nodules of benign cartilage in the synovium.
The giant cell tumor of tendon sheath actually describes two entities. The diffuse form is also known as pigmented villonodular tenosynovitis, and it is the second of the few lesions to actually involve the joint space. It is composed of a villous or papillary mass of small bland cells, multinucleated giant cells, and foamy macrophages. There are prominent clefted spaces at low power and sometimes pigment (hemosiderin).
表28.12 关节病变。
Table 28.12. Joint lesions.
The nodular or localized giant cell tumor is also called nodular tenosynovitis, and, aside from presenting as a nodule on a tendon, its appearance is very similar to the diffuse giant cell tumor. The lesion is composed of bland mononuclear cells, giant cells, foamy histiocytes, cleft-like spaces, and hemosiderin, all set in a collagenous stroma. Both of the giant cell tumors of tendon sheath are distinguished from the giant cell tumor of bone by their immunoreactivity to CD68, a histiocyte marker, as well as by their clinical presentation. However, they do resemble each other on H&E.
The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process
Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD
Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936
© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC


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