
外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第28章 软组织和骨 上

abin 华夏病理 1150 评论
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第28章 软组织和骨(Soft Tissue and Bone)

Tumors of soft tissue are among the most challenging in surgical pathology. There are several reasons for this: they are rare, so you see few in training; they are overlapping in morphology; they do not always obey the principles that help you to identify malignant potential in carcinomas; and each entity has at least three names, four variants, and seven mimickers. However, we will cover some of the names you will hear most commonly. The tumors are broken down into lines of differentiation, with the caveats that there are some tumors that do not differentiate along any known lineage (grouped separately) and that many soft tissue tumors dedifferentiate into the same final common malignant pathway, the entity formerly known as malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH). In many instances, MFH is simply a generic dedifferentiated sarcoma, the high-grade form of any one of a number of precursor lesions. The good news is, once it is that high grade, the origin becomes sort of academic.


When diagnosing a soft tissue lesion, especially in its initial presentation, you must always walk yourself through the mental game of, “what else could this be?” It is a good habit for any organ system but especially in the field of sarcomas and spindle cell lesions. For lesions that do not look clearly malignant (by which we mean they lack nuclear atypia and necrosis), you must always consider that it might be a reactive lesion. For lesions with bizarre and huge nuclei, despite the malignant look, you must consider benign entities with degenerative atypia (such as an ancient schwannoma). For lesions in or near an organ, such as in visceral sites, you must always ask yourself if it could be a carcinoma masquerading as a sarcoma. For spindle cell lesions anywhere, you must ask yourself if it could be melanoma. Some of these questions require immunostains to answer, some just a skeptical eye.









The second question to ask, once you have ordered the cytokeratins and melanoma markers, is “what family of soft tissue does it belong in?” Table 28.1 lists some stereotypical features of different tumor families, seen best in low-grade (well-differentiated) lesions.


表28.1 不同肿瘤家族的特征。

Table 28.1. Characteristics of tumor families.

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高级别肉瘤(High-Grade Sarcomas)

As mentioned, once sarcomas turn high grade, they may take on any number of appearances, regardless of differentiation. Some classic visual patterns are shown in Figure 28.1 and described in Table 28.2.


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Figure 28.1. High grade sarcomas. (A) Fibrosarcoma, with densely packed hyperchromatic s pindle cells. (B) Pleomorphic MFH, with very large and bizarre cells (arrowhead). (C) Myxoid MFH or myxofibrosarcoma, showing pleomorphic cells in a myxoid background. (D) Leiomyosarcoma, with perpendicular fascicles.

图28.1 高级别肉瘤。(A)纤维肉瘤,有密集的深染的梭形细胞。(B)多形性MFH,有非常大的奇异的细胞(箭头)。(C)黏液样MFH或黏液纤维肉瘤,黏液样背景中的多形性细胞。(D)平滑肌肉瘤,交错成角的束状。

表28.2 高级别肉瘤的特征。

Table 28.2. Features of high-grade sarcoma patterns.

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In high-grade sarcomas, the subtype may be clarified through immunostains, history, or the low-grade remnants of the tumor found at the periphery. Identifying the line of differentiation can be helpful in determining prognosis. Solving this puzzle is one of the more interesting games pathologists can play and breaks up the monotony of routine biopsies. However, from a clinical perspective, the oncologist is more concerned about the grade than the type, and, fortunately for all of us, high-grade sarcomas are hard to miss.


A reliable clue to a high-grade sarcoma is the presence of malignant nuclei. A sarcoma nucleus has some reproducible features across many tumor types. The nucleus has an irregularly shaped border and has dark, dense, granular chromatin that is fairly evenly distributed throughout the nucleus (Figure 28.2). Unlike carcinoma nuclei, prominent nucleoli and nuclear membranes are not a usual feature. Learning to recognize this sort of atypia is critical in identifying some of the subtle sarcomas.


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Figure 28.2. The sarcoma cell vs. the reactive cell. (A) Malignant cells in a MFH or other high-grade sarcoma show large nuclei with irregular shapes and very dark chromatin with a coarse texture (arrowheads). It is as though (in fact, it is likely) the nucleus has way too many chromosomes, and the nucleus is swollen and dark with the extra chromatin (truly hyperchromatic). Nucleoli are not usually prominent. (B) Reactive fibroblasts in nodular fasciitis have large nuclei and prominent nucleoli that stand out against a pale nucleus (arrow). The nuclear membrane is smooth and oval.

图28.2 肉瘤细胞与反应性细胞对比。(A)MFH或其他高级别肉瘤中的恶性细胞,大核,形状不规则,染色质非常深染,质地粗糙(箭头)。这就好像(事实上,很可能)细胞核有太多的染色体,而细胞核因额外的染色质(真正的深染)而肿胀和变暗。核仁通常不明显。(B)结节性筋膜炎中的反应性纤维母细胞,有大核和明显核仁,与淡染核形成明显反差(箭头)。核膜光滑,呈椭圆形。

脂肪肿瘤(Tumors of Fat)

Throughout this chapter, you will find tables listing some of the more common entities, grouped by clinical behavior. Table 28.3 lists some of the common tumors of fat.


表28.3 常见的脂肪肿瘤。

Table 28.3. Common neoplasms of fat.

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The most common soft tissue tumor is the lipoma. A lipoma is defined as a neoplasm of mature fat. It is histologically indistinguishable from ordinary fat; to tell the difference you must know it appeared clinically as a discrete lobular mass. There are many histologic variants of lipoma, classified based on what additional soft tissue component is present, such as the angiolipoma, fibrolipoma, angiomyolipoma, and so forth. The hibernoma is a lipoma of brown fat, in which the fat cells are full of innumerable tiny vacuoles. The lipoblastoma, despite the alarming name, is a benign pediatric tumor of mature fat and benign lipoblasts.


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Figure 28.3. Lipoblast. Small fat vacuoles indent the nucleus of this lipoblast (arrow), seen in a welldifferentiated liposarcoma. Other cells within the fibrous septa (arrowhead) have the look of sarcoma cells, with irregular, large, dark nuclei.

图28.3 脂肪母细胞。脂肪母细胞有小的脂肪空泡,挤压细胞核(箭),见于高分化脂肪肉瘤。纤维间隔内的其他细胞(箭头)呈现肉瘤细胞的外观,具有不规则的深染的大核。

There is a lot of fuss about lipoblasts. They are immature fat cells in which the nucleus is star shaped, due to being indented on multiple sides by small bubbles of fat (Figure 28.3). They are often associated with liposarcomas, but they can also appear in the benign lipoblastoma, and they are not necessary for a diagnosis of liposarcoma (more on this later). Note that normal adipocytes are not mitotically active cells, so prominent mitoses are generally seen only in high-grade liposarcomas.


Two types of lipoma are notable for their unusual cytologic features. They are both usually found on the back or neck of elderly men and are noticeably fibrous and nonfatty on low power. These are the pleomorphic lipoma and spindle cell lipoma. The spindle cell lipoma has areas of nondescript spindle cells and collagen and may remind you of a nerve sheath tumor if there is not much fat in the lesion. The pleomorphic lipoma is similar, with the addition of large giant cells and floret cells (wreath-shaped nuclei). These giant cells (Figure 28.4) are an example of a benign lesion simulating malignant atypia; clinical information is helpful in not mistaking these for liposarcomas.


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Figure 28.4. Pleomorphic lipoma. This type of benign lipoma is known for having very bizarre stromal cells that mimic sarcoma. The classic cell is the floret cell, with a circular wreath of nuclear lobes (arrows). Their presence suggests the diagnosis of pleomorphic lipoma.

图28.4 多形性脂肪瘤。这种良性脂肪瘤很著名,因为具有非常奇异的貌似肉瘤的间质细胞。典型的细胞是小花样多核巨细胞,多个核叶围成圆环的花环(箭)。其存在提示多形性脂肪瘤的诊断。

The well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLS) is a tumor of adults. It looks similar to a lipoma on low power except for an increase in fibrous “interstitium” between fat cells and/or fibrous bands (Figure 28.5). A close examination of the fibrous areas reveals hyperchromatic, irregularly shaped nuclei; these are usually large and dark enough to be visible at 4×. Finding a lipoblast is a bonus. A softer feature is an assortment of differently sized fat cells, unlike the monomorphic benign lipoma. The WDLS is so named when it occurs in a nonresectable location, such as the retroperitoneum. By definition, when it occurs on an extremity, it is called an atypical lipoma, as the prognosis in these sites is excellent.


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Figure 28.5. Well-differentiated liposarcoma. There is an increased amount of fibrous interstitium between fat cells, and atypical cells stand out at low power (arrowheads).

图28.5 高分化脂肪肉瘤。脂肪细胞之间的纤维间质增多,非典型细胞在低倍镜下明显可见(箭头)。

When the WDLS has been around for a while, especially in a recurrent or occult retroperitoneal lesion, there is a risk of the tumor transforming into a high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma. When this happens, you will see a tumor with well-differentiated lipomatous areas and an abrupt transition to a high-grade tumor (storiform/spindled, MFH-like, or even rhabdo- or leiomyosarcomatous). Regardless of morphology, this is called a dedifferentiated liposarcoma, and the key to diagnosis is recognizing the adjacent WDLS. Because dedifferentiated liposarcoma is the most likely diagnosis in a retroperitoneal pleomorphic sarcoma, if you are grossing such a tumor, be sure to sample anything near the tumor that looks like fat: it may be the well-differentiated component.


Myxoid liposarcoma is a different type of low-grade liposarcoma. It is not as clearly fatty as the WDLS, and the low-power impression is that of a gelatinous tumor with scattered fat cells and a stereotypical capillary network that has been compared to chicken-wire (Figure 28.6). These vessels are very delicate, and, unlike normal capillaries, they have little substance to their walls; they appear as a naked sleeve of endothelium stretched through the tumor. The tumor cells themselves are small spindled or rounded cells and lipoblasts, without the large atypical cells of the WDLS.


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Figure 28.6. Myxoid liposarcoma. The fatty component may be very subtle in myxoid liposarcoma; the vessels are more often the tip off. The vasculature is composed of a delicate network of very thin capillaries with three- and four-way branch points, similar to chicken-wire (arrow). The cell population is composed of small cells, which may have fat vacuoles in them, and a myxoid background. Large atypical cells should not be present. Inset: Areas of closely packed small cells are indicative of round cell differentiation.

图28.6 黏液样脂肪肉瘤。脂肪成分可能非常细微;血管通常是诊断线索。血管由非常细的毛细血管组成,并形成精致的网。毛细血管具有三向和四向分支点,就像鸡笼(箭)。细胞群由小细胞组成,可能有脂肪空泡,位于黏液样背景中。不应出现非典型大细胞。插图:紧密排列的小细胞区域提示圆形细胞分化。

The myxoid liposarcoma can also transform into a higher grade lesion. When the small uniform cells become very densely packed and obscure the vascular pattern, it is indicative of round cell differentiation. The presence of more than 5% round cell differentiation is worth noting; a tumor with more than 75% is called a round cell liposarcoma.


The rare pleomorphic liposarcoma describes a high-grade tumor with extremely bizarre pleomorphic lipoblasts. It differs from the dedifferentiated liposarcoma in that it is still recognizable as a lipomatous tumor. It does not arise from, or have any relation to, the pleomorphic lipoma.


纤维肿瘤和黏液样肿瘤(Fibrous Tumors and Myxoid Tumors)

The fibroblast and the myofibroblast are ubiquitous cells, in charge of the reparative changes that take place in every part of the body. In resting state, they are fusiform to stellate cells with oblong pale nuclei, and they lay down a collagen matrix. Their job is to proliferate, and therefore mitotic activity is not unusual in reactive lesions. Although myofibroblasts may stain for actin (and are occasionally mistaken for smooth muscle), in general immunostains are not helpful in this tumor family.


反应性病变(Reactive lesions)

Before we discuss the true neoplasms, we will review the collection of reactive (inflammatory or posttraumatic) lesions that present as tumors (lumps). Keloid is a common fibrous lesion, occurring at a site of trauma. It is similar to the normal fibroblastic proliferation of a dermal scar, except for its large size and characteristic thick cords of collagen called keloidal collagen. It is clinically recognizable and not usually a diagnostic dilemma.


Nodular fasciitis, on the other hand, may simulate a neoplasm clinically and is therefore more challenging for the pathologist. It is classically a rapidly growing lesion, sometimes associated with known trauma, sometimes not. On low power, it is a fairly circumscribed lesion with a hypercellular periphery, and it has a heterogeneous, as opposed to monomorphic, look. A microcystic appearance is classic. On high power the fibroblasts show a “tissue culture” appearance (fusiform to stellate with distinct cytoplasmic processes), and they float in a myxoid background with surrounding red blood cells and lymphocytes (Figure 28.7). Older lesions may become more dense, collagenized, and pink and may resemble a fibromatosis (see later) with chronic inflammation. There should be no nuclear atypia, but you will see mitotic activity.


The biggest pitfall in nodular fasciitis is misinterpreting the patchy high cellularity and mitotic activity for a sarcoma. The clinical history is helpful, as is recognizing the reactive versus malignant nuclear features (something that takes practice).


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Figure 28.7. Nodular fasciitis. In this field the inflammatory component is not prominent, but the “tissue culture” pattern is seen clearly, with fusiform and stellate fibroblasts stretching delicate processes through the myxoid background (arrow).

图28.7 结节性筋膜炎。在这个视野,炎症成分不明显,但“组织培养”模式清晰可见,梭形和星芒状纤维母细胞在黏液样背景中伸展出精细的突起(箭)。

Proliferative fasciitis is similar to nodular fasciitis except with the addition of large pink  ganglionlike cells. Proliferative myositis is essentially the same lesion but in an intramuscular location.


Myositis ossificans is a variant of proliferative myositis that shows reactive bone formation.


Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor has gone by many names (inflammatory pseudotumor, inflammatory fibrosarcoma, plasma cell granuloma, others), but in this chapter it will be shortened to IMT. While long considered a reactive lesion, occasional cases have spread aggressively and even metastasized. Therefore, it is beginning to be regarded as a neoplasm, and will be included below, despite its histologic similarity to nodular fasciitis.



The prototypical benign fibroblastic lesion is the fibromatosis (Table 28.4). This is a bland and indistinct tumor composed of normal-looking fibroblasts: fascicles of pink cells with pale tapering nuclei in a collagenous background (Figure 28.8). The very pale nuclei make the capillaries stand out and appear dark in comparison. It is very infiltrative around the edges, much like a normal scar. Superficial fibromatoses can occur on the palm (palmar fibromatosis, Dupuytren’s contracture), sole (plantar, Ledderhose disease), or penis (Peyronie’s disease), where they are benign but can recur. Axial or deep fibromatoses, such as on the chest wall or mesentery, are typically more aggressive in their expansion and are called desmoid tumors. The desmoid tumors are characterized by a specific immunohistochemical trait, the accumulation of β-catenin in nuclei.


表28.4 纤维肿瘤和粘液样肿瘤。

Table 28.4. Fibrous and myxoid neoplasms.

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Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma is one of those most troublesome entities; it simulates a benign lesion (fibromatosis) yet has metastatic potential. It may appear hypocellular, myxoid, or vaguely storiform, much like a fibromatosis.


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Figure 28.8. Fibromatosis. The cells in this lesion are pale and indistinct, with the small wavy nuclei (arrow) noticeably hypochromatic relative to the endothelial cells of the nearby capillary (a good internal control; asterisk). There is abundant collagen in the stroma (arrowhead).

图28.8 纤维瘤病。病变中的细胞淡染、不清楚,与附近毛细血管(良好的内部控制;星号)的内皮细胞相比,小的波纹状核(箭)明显淡染。基质中有丰富的胶原(箭头)。

Fibrosarcoma is the high-grade endpoint of this spectrum of lesions. It is the classic pure “herringbone” lesion, with fascicles alternating in a zigzag pattern. There is no significant collagen or inflammation to speak of. It has a high mitotic rate, but the cells are not particularly atypical: the nuclei tend to be monomorphic, oval, and euchromatic (Figure 28.9). It is mainly the cellular density and mitotic activity that set this lesion apart as malignant.


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Figure 28.9. Fibrosarcoma. This field shows the typical herringbone pattern of fibrosarcoma, with zigzagging bands of spindle cells. Many other tumors can have this pattern.

图28.9 纤维肉瘤。这个视野显示纤维肉瘤典型的鲱鱼骨模式,梭形细胞呈之字形带状排列。许多其他肿瘤也有这种模式。

However, what looks like fibrosarcoma is not usually fibrosarcoma. True fibrosarcoma is quite rare, while its imitators, especially malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor and synovial sarcoma, are more common. Therefore, fibrosarcoma is a diagnosis of exclusion.


The solitary fibrous tumor is included here because of its resemblance to fibroblastic tumors, but in truth the type of differentiation is not known. The solitary fibrous tumor has a unique staining pattern (CD34, CD99, and bcl-2) and typically arises from serosal surfaces. Because of its association with the pleura, it was once called the “benign mesothelioma.” On low power, the tumor is described as having a patternless pattern, which evidently means nonstoriform-nonherringbone-nonfascicular. The swirling mass of uniform cells is reminiscent of ovarian stroma, but appears more pink due to abundant collagen (Figure 28.10). Collagen is laid down in parallel bundles, and the cellularity varies from one field to the next. The vessels are of the “staghorn” type, meaning they are gaping, branching vessels without an appreciable wall thickness: the tumor appears to extend right up to the endothelium. A mitotic rate of more than 4 per 10 high-power fields (hpf) suggests a malignant solitary fibrous tumor.



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Figure 28.10. Solitary fibrous tumor. The most noticeable features at low power are the staghorn vessels (v), which this tumor shares with the related hemangiopericytoma. The tumor is composed of areas of small nondescript spindle cells (arrowhead) and collagenous stroma (arrow). The pattern of the spindle cells is described as “patternless,” meaning somewhat chaotic.

图28.10 孤立性纤维性肿瘤。低倍镜下最显著的特征是鹿角状血管(v),这与相关的血管外皮细胞瘤相同。肿瘤由无法描述的小梭形细胞区域(箭头)和胶原基质区域(箭)组成。梭形细胞的模式被描述为“无模式”,这意味着有些混乱。

皮肤的纤维性肿瘤(Fibrous Tumors of the Skin)

The benign fibrous/fibrohistiocytic tumor of the dermis is the dermatofibroma or benign fibrous histiocytoma. It appears clinically as a little nodule, and at low power you see a diffuse, hazy, indistinct “blueness” occupying and expanding the dermis. On higher power, the dermatofibroma shows a textbook storiform pattern, with spindly cells arranged in little radial sunbursts, like spokes on a wheel (see Figure 27.23 in Chapter 27). There is also usually accompanying inflammation, including lymphocytes, plasma cells, and foamy macrophages.


The malignant, albeit indolent, counterpart is the dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP). This lesion is also distinctly storiform, and the tumor cells, as in the dermatofibroma, are monomorphic, fusiform, and just slightly hyperchromatic. However, the DFSP penetrates more deeply and classically infiltrates the subcutaneous fat, wrapping around fat cells in a distinctive pattern (see Chapter 27). In contrast to the dermatofibroma, the DFSP is ironically more uniform in cytology and lacks the associated inflammatory cells.


The skin also has its own MFH variant, called an atypical fibroxanthoma. Despite being histologically equivalent to a pleomorphic MFH, this superficial tumor is easily resected and therefore has a good prognosis.


黏液样肿瘤(Myxoid Tumors)

The myxoid lesions included here are those that are not myxoid variants of other tumor types (such as myxoid liposarcoma). Many different lesions may converge on the myxoid phenotype, however. What we call myxoid is really the accumulation of hyaluronic acid, a gel-like substance that is essentially a form of solid water in the body (as seen in tissue edema). It may appear clear to a very pale blue on routine stains. A myxoid differential diagnosis would include myxoma, angiomyxoma, neurofibroma, and nodular fasciitis (all benign) and myxoid MFH (myxofibrosarcoma), myxoid liposarcoma, myxoid chondrosarcoma, myxoid leiomyosarcoma, and the low-grade fibromyxo- and myxofibro- entities (all malignant). You would also need to exclude tumors that may appear myxoid but are not, including chordoma, cartilaginous tumors, and epithelial mucinous tumors.


The intramuscular myxoma is a benign and nearly acellular lesion that presents as a gelatinous mass within a muscle, usually in women. There are rare small stellate cells without atypia. What separates the benign myxoma from other more worrisome lesions is its virtual lack of capillaries.


Myxofibrosarcoma is a high-grade tumor also known as myxoid MFH, and its low-grade counterpart is the low-grade myxofibrosarcoma (not to be confused with the fibromatosis-like low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma!). The myxofibrosarcomas are tumors that are prominently myxoid but that have an increasing cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic rate compared to myxoma. Because of prominent vessels and bubbly cells (pseudolipoblasts), they may be mistaken for myxoid liposarcoma. However, the vessels are different. Myxofibrosarcoma vessels are “curvilinear,” which means they make short thick arcs in the tumor, and the tumor cells appear to drip off of them like wax from a candle (Figure 28.11). Compare these to the delicate branching capillaries of the myxoid liposarcoma (see Figure 28.6). The nuclei of myxofibrosarcoma also set them apart; they are hyperchromatic and pleomorphic, unlike the uniform nuclei of the myxoid liposarcoma.


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Figure 28.11. Myxofibrosarcoma. Although the cells here resemble those of pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma, the stroma is myxoid, and the vessels are unique (arrow). They appear as short arcs or segments, unlike the complex branching vessels of myxoid liposarcoma, and the tumor cells are intimately associated with the vessels, like wax dripping down the side of a candle.

图28.11 黏液纤维肉瘤。虽然这里的细胞类似于多形性MFH,但基质是黏液样的,血管是独特的(箭)。与黏液样脂肪肉瘤的复杂分支血管不同,它们呈短弧形或节段,肿瘤细胞与血管密切相关,就像蜡从蜡烛边滴下一样。

Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a neoplasm of mainly young people, often arising in the abdominal cavity. It is a proliferation of plump fibroblasts with abundant associated inflammation, especially plasma cells. It is very similar in appearance to a nodular fasciitis in that there are tissue culture–like fibroblasts in a myxoid, granulation tissue–like background (Figure 28.12). It differs by its visceral location and prominence of plasma cells (not seen in nodular fasciitis). The hypercellularity may be very worrisome for a high-grade sarcoma. However, while the nuclei may be enlarged, with prominent nuclear membranes or large nucleoli, you should not see the irregularly shaped hyperchromatic nuclei of MFH. Many cases show immunoreactivity for ALK.


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Figure 28.12. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. The tumor is composed of a network of reactivelooking fibroblasts (arrow), capillaries, and inflammation, especially plasma cells (arrowhead).

图28.12 炎性肌纤维母细胞瘤。肿瘤由看似反应性的纤维母细胞(箭)、毛细血管和炎症,尤其是浆细胞(箭头)组成。

平滑肌肿瘤(Smooth Muscle Tumors )

There are no reactive smooth muscle lesions, so we will go straight to neoplasms (Table 28.5). Smooth muscle neoplasms may be positively identified by immunoreactivity to actin and desmin but may sometimes show spurious cytokeratin or EMA staining.


表28.5 平滑肌肿瘤。

Table 28.5. Smooth muscle neoplasms.

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The leiomyoma should be familiar, as it is identical to the uterine tumor. It can occur as a primary neoplasm in cutaneous, gastrointestinal, and other sites. However, unlike in the uterus, in these body sites there is a very low threshold for bumping the lesion up to leiomyosarcoma. In general, greater than 1 mitosis per 10 hpf is worrisome.


The leiomyoma is characterized by long parallel bundles of smooth muscle cells that intersect at right angles, such that some are seen longitudinally and some cut in cross section. The nuclei are often described as cigar or box-car shaped, with blunt ends. You may also see c orkscrew nuclei, which appear twisted about themselves and are associated with the contracted state. Paranuclear vacuoles are common (Figure 28.13).


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Figure 28.13. Leiomyoma of colon. As in the leiomyoma of the uterus, there are smooth muscle cells in bundles running parallel to and perpendicular to (asterisk) the slide. The features of benign smooth muscle include elongated pale nuclei with paranuclear vacuoles (arrowhead) and occasional corkscrew nuclei in which the nuclei appear twisted (arrow). Wavy pink muscle fibers are usually visible between the nuclei.

图28.13 结肠平滑肌瘤。正如子宫平滑肌瘤,平滑肌细胞呈束状平行于或垂直于载玻片(星号)。良性平滑肌的特征包括带有核旁空泡的细长淡染细胞核(箭头),偶见螺旋形细胞核,核扭曲(箭)。核之间常见波浪状粉红色肌纤维。

Leiomyosarcomas range in appearance from something very similar to leiomyoma to a densely cellular and hyperchromatic tumor with scattered highly atypical nuclei (Figure 28.14). They can occur in the skin, where they are relatively indolent, or in the retroperitoneum, soft tissues, or any organ with smooth muscle, where they are more aggressive.


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Figure 28.14. Leiomyosarcoma. A malignant version of the leiomyoma, this tumor has the architectural pattern and nuclear morphology of its benign cousin but with much higher cellularity, hyperchromatic nuclei, frequent mitoses (arrow), and large atypical cells (arrowhead).

图28.14 平滑肌肉瘤。与平滑肌瘤对应的恶性肿瘤,具有平滑肌瘤的结构模式和核形态,但细胞密度更高,核深染,核分裂频繁(箭)和非典型大细胞(箭头)。

In a smooth muscle–like lesion arising anywhere near the gastrointestinal tract, you should consider the gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in the differential diagnosis. Many of what were once called gastric leiomyomas are now identified as GISTS. The cells differentiate along the line of the interstitial cell of Cajal, the pacemaker cell of the stomach, and like this cell, the GIST stains for c-kit and CD34. The GIST may take a spindle cell morphology,  overlapping with leiomyoma or schwannoma, or may be epithelioid with a wide range of morphology. Clinical behaviors range from benign to malignant, depending on site and histologic factors.



The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC




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