
外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第5章 意义有限的杂类标本

abin 华夏病理 1589 评论

第5章 意义有限的杂类标本


Ditzel (slang): A word used to describe any part of the body that is not ordinarily  appropriate for everyday conversation. “Susan is always walking down the hall with her ditzels hanging out.” (http://www.urbandictionary.com/)


Ditzels are small specimens with limited educational potential. For the purposes of this chapter, these are all specimens with no suspicion or history of malignancy. They often have about three possible diagnoses and a reduced billing charge because of their limited complexity. Until you get experience with them, they slow you down inordinately at the grossing bench and at the microscope as you struggle to get the “right” wording and obsess over whether what you see is pathologic or normal. After all, it is really embarrassing to get a ditzel wrong. What follows is a list of typical features, things not to miss, and a suggested wording for unremarkable specimens. However, diagnosis style may vary across institutions, so take your cues from your own attendings.


Cholesteatoma (Middle Ear)


Grossing: A small, whole specimen is usually submitted.


Histology: A cyst is formed by keratinizing epithelium and filled with flaky keratin. Other features can include inflammation, cholesterol clefts, and foreign body giant cells (Figure 5.1).


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Figure 5.1. Cholesteatoma. The specimen is dominated by layers of pink keratin; the thin epithelium can be seen surrounding the keratin nodule (arrow).


Rule out: Differential diagnosis of a middle ear mass includes inflammatory polyp, paraganglioma, middle ear adenoma, meningioma, and schwannoma.


Sample sign out: Left middle ear (excision): Cholesteatoma or Fragments of keratinaceous debris (clinical cholesteatoma).





鼻窦内容物(Sinus Contents)

Grossing: Aspirate sent in a nylon bag. Submit one to two blocks, depending on volume. Use biopsy bags in cassettes.



Histology: Normal components include fragments of bone, respiratory and squamous mucosa, and mucous glands.


  • Chronic sinusitis: edema, acute and chronic inflammation

  • 慢性鼻窦炎:水肿、急性和慢性炎症

  • Allergic fungal sinusitis: sheets of allergic mucin (Figure 5.2) and Charcot-Leyden crystals

  • 过敏性真菌性鼻窦炎:成片的过敏性粘液(图5.2)和Charcot-Leyden晶体

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Figure 5.2. Allergic mucin in sinusitis. The allergic mucin takes on a characteristic tiger-striped appearance (arrow) as layers of eosinophils, mucin, and cell debris accumulate. Inset: A Gomori’s methenamine silver stain shows black fungal hyphae (arrowhead).


Rule out: If allergic mucin is present, get a periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) or Gomori’s methenamine silver (GMS) stain to rule out fungus; other sinus lesions include polyps, papillomas, and unusual tumors.


Sample sign out: Right and left sinus contents (aspiration): Chronic sinusitis or  Fragments of respiratory mucosa with chronic inflammation or Allergic fungal sinusitis (a PAS stain highlights fungal organisms within the mucin).


颈动脉和股动脉斑块(Carotid and Femoral Plaques)

Grossing: Specimen is essentially a cast of the artery lumen. Take one block of representative cross sections; this usually requires light decalcification.


Histology: The inner layer of the elastic arterial wall has a variable amount of atherosclerotic debris, calcification, and/or thrombus (Figure 5.3).


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Figure 5.3. Carotid plaque. This represents the intimal surface of the artery, in which there may be calcification, foamy macrophages (arrowhead), cholesterol clefts (arrow), or inflammatory debris.


Sample sign out: Carotid artery, right (endarterectomy): Calcified atherosclerotic plaque.


椎间盘(Intervertebral Disc)

Grossing: Submit one block of representative or total material.


Histology: Fibrocartilage and pulpy myxoid gel (the nucleus pulposus), possibly with fragments of bone (Figure 5.4), are present.


Sample sign out: Cervical disc (excision): Fragments of disc material.


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Figure 5.4. Intervertebral disc. The disc substance is paucicellular, with a homogeneous translucent stroma (ranging from myxoid to collagenous).



Grossing: Tissue may be from incidental thymectomy (heart surgeries), biopsy, or something else (such as parathyroid). Weigh it. Weight is a criterion for true thymic hyperplasia. Submit in total for small specimens or representative for thymectomy.


Histology: Architecture is lobular with dark outer cortex and pale medulla (Figure 5.5). H assall’s corpuscles look like squamous nests. Germinal centers are not normal. Fatty replacement with age is normal.


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Figure 5.5. Thymus. The lobulated thymus resembles lymph node at low power but should not have germinal centers. Hassall’s corpuscles (arrow) are visible as pink whorls.


Rule out: Distinguish from sheets of cells or obliterated architecture (thymoma).


Sample sign out: Thymus (thymectomy) or “left inferior parathyroid” (excision): Histologically unremarkable thymus.



Grossing: Weigh it. Submit it in its entirety.


Histology: Features include monotonous round neuroendocrine cells with clear cytoplasm (chief cells) or abundant pink cytoplasm (oxyphil cells). Normal weight is around 50 mg; adenomas are usually >300 mg. Adenoma is a clinical diagnosis requiring evidence of normalized parathyroid hormone level after surgery. Hyperplasia and adenoma may look the same on the slide (Figure 5.6).


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Figure 5.6. Parathyroid tissue. Normal parathyroid has two cell populations, the chief cells (arrowhead) and oxyphil cells (arrow).


Rule out: Carcinoma is very rare, but dense fibrotic bands and nuclear atypia are suggestive.The diagnosis of carcinoma requires capsular or vascular invasion.


Sample sign out: Left superior parathyroid (excision):Cellular parathyroid tissue (250 mg).


心瓣膜(Heart Valves)

Grossing: There is much information to be gained in grossing. Review your grossing manual for details. Note the presence of vegetations, commissural fusion, calcification, and redundancy. 


Histology: Look for myxoid degeneration, calcification, and adherent vegetations (Figure 5.7).


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Figure 5.7. Myxoid degeneration, heart valve. In the free end of this heart valve, there is an attenuated pale area of myxoid degeneration (arrow). Calcifications and vegetations may also be seen.


Rule out: Use Gram Weigert and GMS stains on vegetations to rule out bacteria or fungus.

排除:对赘生物使用Gram Weigert染色和GMS染色,排除细菌或真菌。

Sample sign out: Aortic valve (excision): Valve with myxoid degeneration and calcification or Valve with adherent fibrinopurulent debris. Numerous Gram-positive cocci are seen on Gram Weigert stain.

标本签发:主动脉瓣(切除):瓣膜伴黏液样变性和钙化,或瓣膜伴粘附的纤维素碎屑。Gram Weigert染色可见大量革兰阳性球菌。


Grossing: The first section should be a cross section of the cystic duct margin. Open the gallbladder, look for stones, and take two sections of the wall. Note the wall thickness and describe the mucosa. All three fragments can go in one cassette.


Histology: The gallbladder is lined by a single layer of columnar epithelium in folds, overlying a fibromuscular layer that sometimes contains Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses (infolded mucosa) or ducts of Luschka. Cholecystitis can range from mild lymphoplasmacytic inflammation to transmural acute inflammation. Cholesterolosis is the accumulation of foamy macrophages (Figure 5.8).



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Figure 5.8. Gallbladder with cholesterolosis. The mucosal folds are distended with foamy macrophages (arrow), called cholesterolosis. Inflammation is minimal in this example. Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses can penetrate deeply into the gallbladder wall (arrowhead).


Rule out: Dysplasia or carcinoma is rare in an isolated cholecystectomy.


Sample sign out: Gallbladder (cholecystectomy): Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and cholesterolosis or Acute and chronic cholecystitis.



Grossing: The first section should be a cross section of the proximal margin, inked or otherwise marked as margin. Then cut off the tip and take a longitudinal section (U shaped). Breadloaf the remainder, and take one to two cross sections. Look for nodules, fecaliths, hemorrhage, and pus.


Histology: Normal histology is a colonic mucosa with abundant lymphoid aggregates. Chronic inflammation is not significant, but neutrophils are, whether in the mucosa, wall (transmural inflammation; Figure 5.9), or serosa (serositis). Serositis without transmural inflammation suggests another abdominal source.


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Figure 5.9. Appendicitis. In this close-up view, a small amount of residual colonic-type mucosa is visible (arrowhead), surrounded by mounds of fibrinopurulent debris (arrow).


Rule out: Carcinoid in the tip and pools of mucin in the wall (as in a mucinous cystadenoma or carcinoma) should be ruled out.


Sample sign out: Appendix (appendectomy): Acute transmural appendicitis with serositis or Histologically unremarkable appendix.


Hernia Sac


Grossing: Submit a representative section.


Histology: A pouch of fibroadipose tissue is lined with mesothelium, which can be reactive or proliferative (Figure 5.10).


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Figure 5.10. Hernia sac. Thick fibrous tissue and fat characterize the typical hernia sac. In this section, the delicate mesothelial lining (arrow) is visible.


Rule out: A piece of the vas deferens (warrants an immediate call to the surgeon), incarcerated bowel, and metastatic tumor (especially incisional hernias) should be ruled out.


Sample sign out: Soft tissue, right inguinal (herniorrhaphy): Hernia sac or Fibrovascular tissue (clinical hernia sac).


瘢痕修复(Scar Revision)

Grossing: Breadloaf and take representative sections through the scar. Note that this does not apply to reexcision of a skin cancer or melanoma.


Histology: Dermal scar has dense fine pink collagen, no appendages, and thin epithelium (Figure 5.11). Recent injury or surgery will show hemorrhage, foamy macrophages, inflammation and granulation tissue, suture material, and foreign body–type giant cells. 


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Figure 5.11. Dermal scar. Pale and homogeneous collagen underneath the epidermis, with obliteration of adnexal structures, is typical of scar formation.


Rule out: Exclude tumor, if there is a history of tumor, and abscess.


Sample sign out: Left abdominal wall (scar revision): Skin with dermal scar, negative for tumor or Skin with biopsy site changes and suture material.


股骨头或肱骨头、膝盖骨(Femoral or Humeral Head, Knee Bones)

Grossing: Use a bone saw to cross section the bone and get a 2-mm slice. Describe eburnation (absence of cartilage), osteophytes, femoral neck (fracture vs. surgical), infarcts, and subchondral cysts. Sample the articular surface, plus the margin or fracture site in fracture cases. Submit for routine decalcification.


Histology: Healthy bone has a thick cartilage layer with a smooth surface and marrow between the trabeculae. Look for the following:


  • Osteoarthritis: uneven and ragged or absent cartilage, clonal nests of chondrocytes, dual tide-line, thickened and sclerotic subchondral bone, subchondral cysts, fibrosis, and granulation tissue within marrow (Figure 5.12)

  • 骨关节炎:软骨不均匀、参差不齐或缺失,软骨细胞克隆巢(同源细胞巢),双潮线,软骨下骨增厚和硬化,软骨下囊肿,纤维化,骨髓内肉芽组织(图5.12)

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Figure 5.12. Osteoarthritis. Features include (1) eroded cartilage, in this case nearly absent, and irregular mineralization of the cartilage, seen here as a dark purple stain; (2) thickening of the subchondral bony trabeculae; (3) myxoid degeneration of the subchondral bone, forming cyst-like spaces; and (4) some residual hematopoietic marrow.


  • Osteonecrosis: loss of basophilia and nuclei in the marrow, fat cells, and osteocytes; fat necrosis; hemorrhage (Figure 5.13)

  • 骨坏死:骨髓、脂肪细胞和骨细胞失去嗜碱性和细胞核;脂肪坏死;出血(图5.13)

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Figure 5.13. Osteonecrosis. The necrotic marrow is the most eye-catching feature (arrow), showing fat necrosis and an absence of marrow elements. On close examination, the osteocytes within lacunae are also dead or missing (arrowhead).


  • Osteopenia: markedly thinned trabeculae

  • 骨质减少:骨小梁明显变薄

  • Metastatic tumor: out-of-place cells in the area of fracture

  • 转移性肿瘤:骨折区域的不适当细胞

Sample sign out: Right femoral head (arthroplasty): Femoral head with osteonecrosis and fracture or Bone and cartilage with degenerative changes or Osteoarthritis


截肢(Amputated Limbs)

Grossing: It is gross, all right. Document the extent of gangrene, ulcers, venous stasis, trauma, and so forth, as well as level of amputation and the viability of the margin. In vascular or infectious disease, section the vascular margin (i.e., popliteal). Take representative sections from the worst area (soft tissue) and margin. Tissue from the bony margin is usually not necessary.


Histology: Look for gangrenous necrosis (Figure 5.14), ulceration, scar, granulation tissue, and inflammation. Evaluate vessel for atherosclerotic disease.


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Figure 5.14. Gangrene. In this gangrenous ulcer of the toe, the epidermis is visible to the right (arrow), while the ulcer bed to the left shows an obliteration of epidermis and dermis, with a dense blue line of debris representing dying bacteria and cells (arrowhead).


Rule out: Invasive fungal disease in a neutropenic patient (requires more extensive sampling of the margin) should be ruled out.


Sample sign out: Left foot (amputation): Foot with gangrenous necrosis. Atherosclerotic vessels are identified. Surgical margin appears viable.



Grossing: Measure it. It never hurts to ink it. Submit thin slices (one per centimeter), and give them a nice long fixation time. Sample areas that are fibrous, fleshy, hemorrhagic, or otherwise nonfatty.


Histology: The definition of a lipoma is a neoplasm of mature fat cells. Fibrous tissue is okay. In fact, there are at least eight benign varieties of lipoma (fibrolipoma, myxolipoma, chondroid lipoma, myolipoma, myelolipoma, spindle cell lipoma, pleomorphic lipoma, and angiolipoma), all fat with something extra.


Rule out: Exclude liposarcoma. Clinical features that are suspicious include a large deep-seated circumscribed mass in the thigh, shoulder, retroperitoneum, or mesentery of an adult. Histologic features include chicken-wire vessels (a distinct lacy honeycomb network), atypical cells (large hyperchromatic nuclei), and lipoblasts (Figure 5.15). More details on liposarcomas are given in Chapter 28.


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Figure 5.15. Lipoblast in an atypical lipoma. What you do not want to see in your lipoma—lipoblasts (arrow), with small fat vacuoles indenting the nucleus and atypical hyperchromatic cells within the fibrous stroma (arrowhead).


Sample sign out: Soft tissue, left flank (excision): Lipoma (12 cm) or Fibrovascular tissue and mature adipose tissue (clinical lipoma)



The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC




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