
外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第23章 甲状腺(Thyroid)

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第23章 甲状腺(Thyroid)

组织学、炎症和非肿瘤性病变(Histology, inflammation and non neoplastic lesions)

The thyroid has two basic cell types: the follicular epithelium (TTF-1 and thyroglobulin positive) and the C cells (TTF-1, neuroendocrine-marker, and calcitonin positive; thyroglobulin negative). Normal follicular epithelium is low cuboidal. The stroma or interstitium is scant but highly vascular.


Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid are rarely seen in surgical pathology, with a few exceptions detailed in this chapter. Conceptually, they can be classified by type of response:


  • Acute inflammation and necrosis: acute thyroiditis

  • 急性炎症和坏死:急性甲状腺炎

  • Foreign body giant cells and lymphocytes, diffuse: subacute thyroiditis (de Quervain’s syndrome)

  • 异物巨细胞和淋巴细胞,弥漫性:亚急性甲状腺炎(de Quervain综合征)

  • Histiocytes, lymphocytes, and rare giant cells, focal: palpation thyroiditis (a reaction to physical trauma, not a primary inflammatory disease)

  • 组织细胞、淋巴细胞和罕见巨细胞,局灶性:触诊性甲状腺炎(对物理创伤的反应,而非原发性炎症性疾病)

  • Lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers: lymphocytic thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  • 淋巴细胞浸润伴生发中心:淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎或桥本甲状腺炎

  • Dense fibrosis and chronic inflammation: sclerosing Hashimoto’s versus fibrosing thyroiditis (Riedel’s, a very rare entity)

  • 致密纤维化和慢性炎症:硬化性桥本病与纤维化性甲状腺炎(Riedel病,一种非常罕见的疾病)

Lymphocytic thyroiditis is a descriptive term implying a generalized lymphocytic infiltrate. The term Hashimoto’s thyroiditis refers to an autoimmune process attacking the thyroid, and it is characterized by the following:


  • Prominent lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate with germinal center formation (Figure 23.1)

  • 显著的淋巴浆细胞浸润并形成生发中心(图23.1)

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Figure 23.1. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The thyroid follicles are displaced by germinal centers (arrow).

图23.1 桥本甲状腺炎。甲状腺滤泡被生发中心取代(箭)。

  • Small, atrophic follicles with Hürthle cell change (oncocytic change)

  • 小的、萎缩的滤泡,伴Hürthle(许特莱)细胞改变(嗜酸细胞改变)

Scattered nuclear atypia may be seen in this setting, including large hyperchromatic Hürthle cell nuclei, as well as areas of nuclear clearing and pleomorphism that can simulate papillary carcinoma. Therefore, be cautious about diagnosing papillary carcinoma in the setting of lymphocytic thyroiditis. However, these patients can also get papillary carcinoma!


Graves’ disease (diffuse toxic hyperplasia) is a hyperplastic, hyperthyroid condition in which autoantibodies stimulate the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor to produce excess thyroid hormone. In treated form, more commonly seen in pathology, the follicles are large and distended, with prominent papillary infoldings (Figure 23.2). The papillary architecture can become florid, but the nuclear features are not those of papillary carcinoma (discussed later). Scalloping of the colloid is prominent. In untreated Graves’ disease, on the other hand, the thyroid is highly cellular with minimal colloid.


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Figure 23.2. Graves’ disease with papillary hyperplasia. These papillary formations are due to hyperplasia of the follicular epithelium. The follicular cells are round, fairly evenly spaced, and have dark uniform chromatin (arrow), similar to normal follicles.

图23.2 Graves病伴乳头状增生。这些乳头状结构是由于滤泡上皮增生所致。滤泡细胞呈圆形,分布相当均匀,染色质深染而均匀(箭),类似于正常滤泡。

Goiter is a nonspecific term for enlargement (hyperplasia) of the thyroid but is often used to refer to the nodular enlargement of the thyroid due to iodine deficiency (endemic goiter) or enzyme defects (sporadic goiter). Multinodular hyperplasia may be sampled by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) if a single nodule becomes dominant and suspicious, or the whole gland may be removed for cosmetic or physiologic reasons. The nodules usually fall on the colloid nodule-to-follicular adenoma spectrum (see later).


甲状腺肿瘤(Thyroid neoplasms)

The world of thyroid neoplasms can be broken down into several large categories. The first two categories arise from follicular epithelium, and they are divided in this chapter into two groups based on cytologic and nuclear features. The first category is made up of folliculartype cells that resemble normal thyroid follicular epithelium. This category includes Hürthle cells, which can be found in nonneoplastic thyroid. The second major category is the papillary carcinoma group, of which there are many variants; they have in common a set of diagnostic nuclear features. The third category of neoplasms arises from the neuroendocrine or C cell component of the thyroid; medullary carcinoma is the main entity in this group. Table 23.1 summarizes the architectural and cytologic features of thyroid neoplasms.


Table 23.1. Summary of architectural and cytologic features of thyroid neoplasms.

表23.1 甲状腺肿瘤的结构和细胞学特征总结。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第23章 甲状腺(Thyroid)

滤泡型病变(Follicular-Type Lesions)

Follicular-type cells are notable for their uniformity. The nuclei tend to be round and monotonous, although they may be enlarged compared with normal thyroid. The overall impression is that of a regular array of cells, without crowded, overlapping, or irregular nuclei (Figure 23.3). The cells should respect each others’ personal space, so to speak. The chromatin should be even and smooth, not cleared out, coarse, or chunky.


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Figure 23.3. Follicular cells. Normal follicular epithelium has round uniform nuclei that tend not to overlap or crowd each other (arrow). This field is a combination of large and small follicles full of colloid and could represent normal thyroid, nodular hyperplasia, or a follicular neoplasm.

图23.3 滤泡细胞。正常滤泡上皮具有圆形均匀的细胞核,一般不重叠、不拥挤(箭)。图示充满胶质的大滤泡和小滤泡的组合,可能代表正常甲状腺、结节性增生或滤泡性肿瘤。

Colloid nodule, adenomatoid nodule, and follicular adenoma all describe a spectrum of hyperplastic to neoplastic lesions composed of a nodular cluster of follicular epithelium. This area is somewhat confusing as the same lesion may get different names depending on whether it is seen by FNA or on resection. A colloid nodule is a hyperplastic nodule of large distended follicles in which the ratio of colloid to cells is high (a key finding on FNA). A follicular adenoma is defined as a solitary encapsulated nodule with compression of the surrounding thyroid and is usually composed of small microfollicles with scant colloid (a low colloid to cell ratio; Figure 23.4). This lesion, seen on FNA, is called a follicular neoplasm, as follicular adenoma and carcinoma can not be distinguished by FNA alone. Finally, there is the adenomatoid nodule, a hyperplastic lesion that has some features of the adenoma.


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Figure 23.4. Follicular adenoma. This field shows a microfollicular pattern in a follicular adenoma. The capsule is not seen here. The neoplasm is composed of tightly packed small follicles (arrow) with round nuclei that, like normal follicular epithelium (see Figure 23.3), tend not to overlap or crowd. There are scattered enlarged nuclei, some with pale chromatin that should not be mistaken for true nuclear clearing.


Before calling a lesion a follicular adenoma, however, you must submit and examine the entire capsule. Follicular carcinoma may appear histologically similar to adenoma but for the diagnostic capsular or vascular invasion. This is why you cannot make the distinction by FNA alone. You should also exclude the follicular variant of papillary carcinoma (discussed later).


Hürthle cell adenoma is very similar to a follicular adenoma in concept except the cells are large pink oncocytes with round nuclei (Hürthle cell change; Figure 23.5). Nucleoli may be prominent, and the nuclei may appear very enlarged or irregular in shape, unlike in follicular adenoma. As with follicular neoplasms, evaluating the capsule is key to calling it benign or malignant.


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Figure 23.5. Hürthle cell adenoma. Like follicular adenomas, there is a thick fibrous capsule surrounding the neoplasm (arrow). In a Hürthle cell adenoma, the cells have abundant pink cytoplasm, and, although the nuclei are still overall round and nonoverlapping, there is increased nuclear atypia in the form of some prominent nucleoli and irregular nuclear shapes.


The defining feature of a follicular carcinoma (or Hürthle cell carcinoma) is the presence of capsular or vascular invasion, so examination of the capsule is critical. Atypia and necrosis, while seen in follicular carcinoma, are not sufficient to make the diagnosis.* Capsular invasion is a controversial area, and experts disagree on the exact criteria that define it; however, a mushrooming growth of tumor through the capsule is accepted by most. Vascular invasion must be found within the capsule itself or outside the capsule. The tumor deposit should be visibly attached to the vessel wall (Figure 23.6).


*Random pearl: In this, the thyroid is like most other neuroendocrine organs, including parathyroid, adrenal, and pituitary. The diagnosis of malignancy is not based on atypia, which can be seen in hyperplastic conditions, but on capsular/vascular invasion or metastases.


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Figure 23.6. Follicular carcinoma. The neoplasm here resembles a follicular adenoma at low power, with a dense microfollicular pattern and a thick capsule. However, there is vascular invasion in the capsule, diagnostic of follicular carcinoma. A tumor plug (asterisk) is seen in the lumen of a large vessel (arrow). The surface of the tumor plug becomes endothelialized (arrowhead).


Follicular carcinoma comes in two strengths: minimally invasive (where you have to struggle to find the diagnostic vascular invasion) and widely invasive (where you have to dissect it off the adherent neck structures). It is not associated with radiation or thyroiditis, unlike papillary carcinoma. It spreads via the blood to lung and bone.


Insular carcinoma is rarely diagnosed and can be thought of as a poorly differentiated carcinoma. The cells grow in sheets and cords (insular pattern; Figure 23.7) and on high power resemble the round and uniform cells of follicular carcinoma. Pleomorphism is not a typical feature here, but mitoses, necrosis, vascular invasion, and infiltrative growth are common.


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Figure 23.7. Insular carcinoma. Instead of microfollicles, the tumor has acquired a pattern of ribbons, cords, and slit-like spaces.

图23.7 岛状癌。肿瘤形成缎带状、条索状和狭缝状的空隙,而不是微滤泡。

乳头状癌(Papillary Carcinoma)

Papillary carcinoma (there is no papillary adenoma), despite the name, may come with or without the papillae. The diagnosis actually rests on the nuclear features, which are consistent across variant types. The nuclear features are as follows:


  • Chromatin is cleared out (resembling orphan Annie eyes). This imparts a characteristic low-power look to the lesion; the cells stand out as crisp and pale, almost glittery or glassy (Figure 23.8). It is an artifact of formalin.

  • 染色质透明(像孤儿安妮的眼睛)。使得病变在低倍镜下呈现特征性外观;细胞鲜明而淡染,似乎闪闪发光或毛玻璃样(图23.8)。这是福尔马林固定造成的假象。

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(译注:插图,Little Orphan Annie,小孤儿安妮,卡通人物,空洞无神的双眼)

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Figure 23.8. Papillary carcinoma, low power. The nuclear features of papillary carcinoma are eyecatching even at low power, as the clear nuclei give a translucent or glassy appearance to the tumor nodule (arrow). This is an example of an incidental microcarcinoma, arising in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (note germinal centers, arrowhead).

图23.8 乳头状癌,低倍。乳头状癌的核特征即使在低倍镜下也引人注目,因为核透明,使肿瘤结节呈现半透明或毛玻璃样(箭)。这是一例偶然发生的微小癌,发生于桥本甲状腺炎背景中(注意生发中心,箭头)。

  • Nuclei are overlapping, crowded, and pleomorphic. They often appear boxy and angular at higher power, and you get the impression that too many nuclei have been stuffed into a single row (Figure 23.9); some are squeezed up and out of the row.

  • 核重叠,拥挤,多形性。高倍,核通常呈方形和成角,给人的印象是太多核被挤成一排(图23.9);有些核被挤到外面。

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Figure 23.9. Papillary nuclei. (A) In this example, although the nuclear clearing is not striking, the presence of oval nuclei crowded into a row (arrow) suggests papillary carcinoma, as does the presence of nuclear grooves (arrowhead). Compare these nuclei to those of follicular epithelium see (Figure 23.3). (B) In this lesion the nuclear clearing is much more evident. However, the nuclei are still oval in shape and crammed together such that they mold to each other, popping up and out of their crowded rows (arrow).

图23.9 乳头状癌核特征。(A)本例,尽管核透明不那么显著,但卵圆形核挤成一排(箭)提示乳头状癌,核沟(箭头)也提示乳头状癌。将这些核与滤泡上皮核进行比较(见图23.3)。(B)这例核透明更加明显。然而,核仍然是椭圆形,挤在一起,使它们相互镶嵌,有些核被挤到外面(箭头)。

  • Nuclear grooves (having a coffee bean appearance) are present.

  • 核沟(咖啡豆样)。

  • Nuclear pseudoinclusions (basically indentations of cytoplasm) are present.

  • 核内假包涵体(主要是细胞质的内卷)。

Note that prominent nucleoli are not a feature of papillary carcinoma. Psammoma bodies are fairly specific for papillary carcinoma but are generally seen only in the context of papillary architecture. True psammoma bodies are dark purple, ringed like a tree, and usually found in the interstitium, not in follicles (Figure 23.10). There are several variants of papillary carcinoma.


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Figure 23.10. Psammoma body. This dense purple laminated calcification (arrow) is virtually diagnostic of papillary thyroid carcinoma in the thyroid or in a neck lymph node. Telltale scratches in the tissue section (arrowheads) often show where a psammoma body was dragged across the block during sectioning.

图23.10 砂粒体。这种致密的紫色层状钙化(箭)几乎是甲状腺或颈部淋巴结中甲状腺乳头状癌的诊断性特征。组织切片(箭头)上的明显划痕通常提示在切片过程中砂粒体被拖过的位置(译注:也可能是砂粒体钙化损伤了刀片,切片时形成了刀痕)。

  • Papillary microcarcinoma: Although histologically identical to papillary carcinoma, papil-lary microcarcinomas are less than 1 cm (by definition), usually incidentally discovered, and, if solitary, are considered clinically benign.

  • 乳头状微小癌(微小乳头状癌):组织学等同于乳头状癌,直径小于1cm(根据定义),通常是偶然发现,如果是孤立的,则认为临床良性。

  • Follicular: The follicular variant is a lesion with follicular architecture (no papillae) and papillary nuclei (Figure 23.11). It behaves like a papillary carcinoma and is now signed out as one. Differentiating between a follicular adenoma and a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma is no trivial task, as the nuclear changes can be patchy. Beware fixation artifact (which can produce nuclear clearing but not the other features) and lymphocytic thyroiditis (which produces reactive changes that can simulate papillary nuclei).

  • 滤泡型:具有滤泡结构(无乳头)和乳头状癌核特征(图23.11)。它的生物学行为类似于乳头状癌,现在已认可它是一种癌。区分滤泡性腺瘤和滤泡性乳头状癌并不容易,因为细胞核改变可能是斑片状的。小心固定假象(可产生核透明,但不能产生其他特征)和淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎(可产生可假冒乳头状癌核特征的反应性改变)。

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Figure 23.11. Follicular variant of papillary carcinoma. The architecture is that of a follicular adenoma, but the nuclei, oval in shape and crowded together (arrows), are those of papillary carcinoma.

图23.11 滤泡型乳头状癌。其结构正如滤泡性腺瘤,但核呈椭圆形且拥挤(箭),为乳头状癌核特征。

  • Diffuse sclerosing variant: Although rare, the diffuse sclerosing variant is important to recognize because of its worse prognosis. You can think of this variant as being widely infiltrative in its behavior, as opposed to discrete and mass-forming, and therefore more aggressive. The features include a desmoplastic or sclerotic stroma, squamous metaplasia, psammoma bodies, a dense lymphocytic infiltrate, and vascular invasion.

  • 弥漫硬化型:尽管罕见,但由于预后较差,识别这种亚型很重要。你可以认为这种亚型呈现广泛浸润,而不是形成孤立性肿块,因此侵袭性更强。其特征包括促结缔组织增生性间质或硬化性间质、鳞状化生、砂粒体、密集的淋巴细胞浸润和血管浸润。

  • Others: Other variants include tall cell, columnar cell, trabecular, cribriform, and cystic variants.

  • 其他:其他亚型包括高细胞型、柱状细胞型、小梁型、筛状型和囊性变异型。

Anaplastic carcinoma is often a papillary carcinoma that has dedifferentiated (Figure 23.12). The tumor cells may appear as sheets of pleomorphic cells (truly undifferentiated), as nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (squamoid differentiation), or sarcomatoid. A background of papillary carcinoma is not uncommon, but anaplastic carcinoma may arise from other types of carcinoma as well.


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Figure 23.12. Anaplastic carcinoma. Nests and sheets of poorly differentiated carcinoma, some areas with a squamoid appearance (arrow).


The most important lessons of the papillary variants are these: not all papillary lesions are papillary carcinoma (Graves’ disease, for example), and not all papillary carcinomas have papillary architecture (follicular variant, for example). Also, not all cleared out nuclei are papillary carcinoma. Beware fixation artifact (as discussed earlier), and have a very high threshold of suspicion for papillary carcinoma in the setting of lymphocytic (Hashimoto’s) thyroiditis. A true carcinoma arising in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis should stand out sharply from its neighbors, as in an uninflamed thyroid (see Figure 23.8). Varying degrees of nuclear clearing that come and go across the section are likely to be insignificant.


Papillary carcinomas are associated with radiation and (possibly) thyroiditis as risk factors; unlike follicular carcinoma, they spread to lymph nodes. The prognosis is usually excellent. Age is the most important prognostic factor (younger is better).


神经内分泌病变(Neuroendocrine Lesions)

Medullary carcinoma has features common to other neuroendocrine tumors; the growth may be nested or trabecular, and the cells range from epithelioid to spindled, with uniform finely speckled nuclei (Figure 23.13). At low power, or with poor histology, the sheet-like growth may simulate an anaplastic carcinoma. However, nuclear features or immunohistochemistry should easily tell the difference (calcitonin positivity and thyroglobulin negativity should do it). Medullary carcinomas produce prominent amyloid, which is Congo-red positive.


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Figure 23.13. Medullary carcinoma. Although the pattern of infiltrative nests of cells may resemble anaplastic carcinoma, the nuclei are much more bland, with pale, finely speckled, neuroendocrine-type chromatin.


颈部囊性非肿瘤性病变(Cystic Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Neck)

While not thyroid lesions, cystic nonneoplastic lesions of the neck are included here as they are commonly seen in surgical pathology and are sometimes mistaken clinically for a thyroid nodule. Such lesions include the following:


  • Thyroglossal duct cyst: a midline structure (as are the thyroid and the tongue) consisting of a cyst lined by ciliated epithelium and thyroid follicles

  • 甲状舌管囊肿:由纤毛上皮和甲状腺滤泡被覆的囊肿组成的中线结构(如甲状腺和舌)

  • Branchial cleft cyst: an anterolateral structure (as are the branchial clefts) that looks somewhat tonsillar: squamous, columnar, or ciliated epithelium with a dense underlying lymphocytic infiltrate (not bronchial [i.e., lung] or brachial [i.e., arm])

  • 鳃裂囊肿:一种前外侧结构(如鳃裂),看起来有点像扁桃体:鳞状、柱状或纤毛上皮,下方有密集的淋巴细胞浸润(注意英文拼写,不是支气管[即肺]或臂[即胳膊])


The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC




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