
外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

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第17章 子宫(Uterus)

The endometrium is a cycling glandular and stromal layer overlying the myometrium of the uterus. The appearance varies widely across different phases of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. Common reasons for performing an endometrial biopsy include the following:


  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding

  • 阴道异常出血

  • A “thickened endometrial stripe” found on ultrasound, suggesting hyperplasia or carcinoma

  • 超声检查发现“子宫内膜增厚”,提示增生或癌

  • Part of an infertility workup

  • 不孕症检查

  • Follow-up study for women with a history of hyperplasia who have been conservatively treated with hormones

  • 对有增生病史且接受激素保守治疗的妇女的随访研究

子宫内膜活检的观察方法(The Approach to the endometrial biopsy)

The reason for the biopsy will influence your approach to the slide. Regardless of history, start by differentiating between atrophic, inactive, proliferative, secretory, and hormone-treated endometrium. On low power, survey the epithelium to get a feel for the glands and stroma:


  • Atrophic endometrium has a low gland-to-stroma ratio, and the glands are thin, with an almost cuboidal epithelium, and no mitoses. In biopsy specimens, they tend to come off in thin strips that look like hair pins (Figure 17.1).

  • 萎缩性子宫内膜:腺体与间质的比值低,腺体薄,几乎为立方上皮,无核分裂。在活检标本中,它们往往脱落成细条状,类似发夹(图17.1)。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.1. Atrophic endometrium. When curetted, the epithelium typically comes off in thin strips resembling hairpins (arrow). The specimen is also scant.

图17.1 萎缩性子宫内膜。刮除时,上皮通常脱落成细条状,类似发夹(箭)。样本量也很少。

Inactive to proliferative endometrium has a fuller, blue look to the stroma and a gland-tostroma ratio of about 1:1 in proliferative endometrium (less in inactive). The glands are simple tubular structures that stand out as dark blue “donuts” with pseudostratified nuclei (slight variation in nuclear location, but predominantly basal) and columnar epithelium (Figure 17.2). If mitoses are readily visible in the glands, the endometrium is proliferative. Absence of mitoses indicates an inactive endometrium.


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.2. Proliferative endometrium. Multiple donut-shaped glands are visible, with dark oblong nuclei and frequent mitoses (arrow).

图17.2 增殖性子宫内膜。可见多个甜甜圈状腺体,细胞核深染,呈长方形,核分裂易见(箭)。

  • Secretory endometrium has prominent spiral arterioles and variably edematous stroma so that the stromal cells look almost like naked nuclei floating in water. The glands are notable for cytoplasmic secretory vacuoles and secretions in the lumen (Figure 17.3). Later secretory stroma begins to get decidualized, or acquires pink cytoplasm, and the glands lose their vacuoles and acquire low cuboidal pink cells, ragged luminal edges, and a tortuous spiral shape. You should not see mitoses in secretory glands.

  • 分泌性子宫内膜:有显著的螺旋小动脉和不同程度的水肿性间质,因此间质细胞看起来就像是漂浮在水中的裸核。腺体具有明显的胞质分泌空泡和腺腔内分泌物(图17.3)。随后,分泌性间质开始蜕膜化,或获得粉红色细胞质,腺体失去分泌空泡,变成低立方形粉红色细胞,腺腔边缘参差不齐,呈扭曲的螺旋状。分泌性腺体不应看到核分裂。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.3. Secretory endometrium, various phases. (A) In early secretory endometrium, the glands have become tortuous in shape, and prominent cytoplasmic vacuoles are present (subnuclear, in this example; arrow). (B) Later in the secretory phase, the cytoplasmic vacuoles are gone, and the epithelium is more cuboidal in shape, with small round nuclei (arrow). The stroma is edematous, and early decidualization (accumulation of pink cytoplasm) is beginning around the spiral arteries (arrowhead).

图17.3 不同阶段的分泌性子宫内膜。(A)在早期分泌性子宫内膜中,腺体形状弯曲,出现显著的胞质空泡(本例为核下空泡;箭)。(B)在晚分泌期,胞质空泡消失,上皮变得更像立方形,细胞核小而圆(箭)。间质水肿,早期蜕膜化(粉红色细胞质的聚积)开始出现在螺旋动脉(箭头)周围。

Progestin-treated endometrium, like gestational endometrium, has a very decidualized stroma (plump pink cells with visible cytoplasm), but is paired with attenuated, flattened gland epithelium (Figure 17.4). These changes are due to the unopposed progesterone exposure. Unopposed estrogen, on the other hand, has a proliferative effect, and increases the chance of hyperplasia or carcinoma. (Tamoxifen acts as an estrogen agonist in the endometrium.)


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.4. Progestin-treated endometrium. The glands are still tortuous in shape, like secretory endometrium, but the epithelium is markedly thinned (arrow). The stromal cells are decidualized (arrowhead), which means they have plump pink cytoplasm and distinct cell borders.

图17.4 孕激素治疗的子宫内膜。腺体形状仍然弯曲,像分泌性子宫内膜,但上皮明显变薄(箭)。间质细胞蜕膜化(箭头),即,具有丰满的粉红色细胞质和清晰的细胞边界。

Why are the endometrial characteristics important? Secretory endometrium, almost by definition, is not hyperplastic. Once you have established secretory change, you (usually) do not need to agonize over crowded glands. Because progesterone pushes the endometrium toward secretory change, it is used as treatment for hyperplasia; if you can prod the endometrium to complete the cycle and shed, the hyperplasia may go away.


Next, within the biopsy fragments, look for possible causes of bleeding:


  • Benign endometrial polyp: Benign endometrial polyps are composed of fibrotic (pink and spindly) stroma, thick-walled vessels, and usually nonfunctional (atrophic) and/or cystically dilated glands (Figure 17.5).

  • 良性子宫内膜息肉:纤维化(粉红色和梭形)间质、厚壁血管和通常无功能的(萎缩性)和/或囊性扩张的腺体(图17.5)。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.5. Benign endometrial polyp. This polyp shows cystic dilation of glands (1), secretory-type epithelium (2), and thickened arteries (3). The stroma is also pink, indicating a high collagen content.

图17.5 良性子宫内膜息肉。息肉显示腺体呈囊性扩张(1)、分泌型上皮(2)和厚壁动脉(3)。间质也是粉红色,提示胶原含量高。

  • Endometrial stromal breakdown: The stroma takes on a blurry blue look as it condenses into small dense aggregates (“blue balls”). The associated surface epithelium shows eosinophilic metaplasia, becoming almost oncocytic in appearance. Fibrin thrombi in vessels and neutrophils are also common features (Figure 17.6). The background endometrium may be end secretory (in normal menstrual bleeding) or proliferative (in dysfunctional bleeding).

  • 子宫内膜间质崩解:间质呈现模糊的蓝色外观,看上去像是浓缩成小而致密的聚集体(“蓝色球”)。相关的表面上皮显示嗜酸性化生,几乎变为嗜酸细胞。血管中的纤维素性血栓和中性粒细胞也是常见特征(图17.6)。背景子宫内膜可能是晚分泌性(正常月经出血)或增殖性(功能失调性出血)。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.6. Endometrial stromal breakdown. The stroma is condensed into an extremely blue mass of tightly packed cells (arrow). The overlying epithelium is expanded into papillary tufts of pink cells, some with cilia, which is a metaplastic change (arrowhead).

图17.6 子宫内膜间质崩解。间质浓缩成非常蓝的紧密排列的细胞团(箭)。被覆的上皮伸展,形成粉红色的乳头状细胞丛,部分细胞有纤毛,这是一种化生改变(箭头)。

  • Endometritis: The diagnosis of acute endometritis requires microabscesses and epithelial destruction; the presence of neutrophils alone may just indicate menstrual breakdown. Chronic endometritis is diagnosed by the presence of plasma cells. In general, the stroma takes on a blue spindly look, and there are increased numbers of lymphocytes; these features should prompt you to crawl around at 20× looking for plasma cells (Figure 17.7).

  • 子宫内膜炎:急性子宫内膜炎的诊断需要微脓肿和上皮破坏;单有中性粒细胞可能只是表明月经期崩解。慢性子宫内膜炎的诊断需要存在浆细胞。一般来说,间质呈蓝色梭形细胞,淋巴细胞增多;这些特点会提示你转到20倍并寻找浆细胞(图17.7)。

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.7. Chronic endometritis. At low power, the diagnostic plasma cells are not visible, but the spindly, swirling blue stroma (arrow) should be a clue to look more closely. The epithelium here is proliferative (arrowhead).

图17.7 慢性子宫内膜炎。低倍镜下看不到诊断性浆细胞,但梭形、漩涡状蓝色间质(箭)应该是诊断线索,促使你更仔细地观察。此处的上皮为增殖性(箭头)。

  • Disordered proliferative endometrium: Disordered proliferative endometrium is notable for a mixture of cystically dilated, budding, and tubular glands in a proliferative setting, with only focal glandular crowding. It occurs during anovulatory cycles.

  • 紊乱的增殖性子宫内膜:主要表现为囊状扩张、出芽和管状腺体的混合,位于增殖性背景中,仅有局灶性腺体拥挤。它发生在无排卵周期。

  • Atrophy: Atrophy, described earlier, is responsible for about half of all cases of abnormal postmenopausal bleeding.

  • 萎缩:如前所述,萎缩大约是绝经后异常出血的一半原因。


Hyperplasia is defined as an increase in the gland-to-stroma ratio, and you will notice it as “crowded glands” in a proliferative setting. Endometrial hyperplasia is categorized with two criteria: architecture (simple vs. complex) and cytology (with or without atypia). The term dysplasia is not applied to endometrium. There are varying degrees of hyperplasia:


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.8. Simple hyperplasia. In this biopsy specimen, the glands appear proliferative and are too crowded (the gland-to-stroma ratio is greater than 1). The cells resemble normal endometrium and are not atypical.

图17.8 简单性增生。在该活检标本中,腺体增殖且过于拥挤(腺体与间质的比值大于1)。这些细胞与正常子宫内膜相似,并不非典型。

  • Simple hyperplasia: Simple hyperplasia almost always occurs without atypia. It appears as crowded, tubular, or minimally branched glands (Figure 17.8).

  • 简单性增生:简单性增生几乎总是没有细胞异型性。它表现为拥挤的管状或轻微分支的腺体(图17.8)。(译注:简单性增生是指结构的简单)

  • Complex hyperplasia: Complex hyperplasia can occur with or without atypia. It appears as back-to-back glands with little stroma (even more crowded than in simple hyperplasia), and the glands have increasingly complex, branched outlines.

  • 复杂性增生:可伴或不伴细胞异型性。它表现为背靠背的腺体,间质极少(远比单纯增生更密集),腺体具有更加复杂的分支状形状。(译注:复杂性增生是指结构的复杂)

  • Atypical hyperplasia: The definition of atypia varies among organs. In the endometrium, the normal proliferating gland has hyperchromatic, pseudostratified, elongated nuclei and frequent mitoses. This appearance in other organs, such as the colon, may make you think of low-grade dysplasia (such as a tubular adenoma). In endometrial atypia, the nuclei become round and pale or vesicular because of the chromatin clumping up and migrating to the nuclear membrane (Figure 17.9). Nucleoli may be prominent. The nuclei lose polarity and are seen at all levels of the epithelium (stratified). Nuclei are larger and show increased variability in size and shape. The cytoplasm becomes more eosinophilic than in nonatypical glands. Atypia is present or absent but is not graded.

  • 非典型增生:细胞异型性的定义因器官而异。在子宫内膜中,正常增殖性腺体具有深染、假复层、拉长的细胞核、细胞核和频繁的核分裂。这种表现在其他器官,如结肠,可能使你想到低级别异型增生(如管状腺瘤)。子宫内膜的细胞异型性表现为核变圆、淡染或空泡状,这是由于染色质聚集成粗块状并迁移到核膜(图17.9)。核仁可能显著。细胞核失去极性,可见于上皮的各个层面(复层化)。细胞核增大,核大小和形状的变化程度更大。与正常腺体相比,其细胞质嗜酸性更强。诊断中只要说明异型性存在或不存在,不用分级。(译注:非典型增生是指具有细胞异型性,主要见于复杂性增生,此时称为复杂性非典型增生,见下文;极少见于简单性增生)

外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.9. Complex atypical hyperplasia. (A) At low power, the glands are very crowded, even back to back, and the gland lumens have become branching and irregular (arrow). (B) At high power, comparing the hyperplastic epithelium (arrow) with normal residual glands (arrowhead), the hyperplastic cells have round nuclei, and pale, vesicular chromatin with prominent nucleoli, diagnostic of atypia.

图17.9 复杂性非典型增生。(A)在低倍镜下,腺体非常拥挤,甚至背靠背,腺腔变成分支状和不规则(箭头)。(B)在高倍镜下,比较增生上皮(箭)和正常残留腺体(箭头),增生细胞具有圆核和淡染、空泡状染色质,核仁显著,这些对细胞异型性具有诊断意义。

  • Complex atypical hyperplasia: Complex atypical hyperplasia (CAH) is a precursor to car-cinoma. Florid cases of CAH may in fact be hard to distinguish from well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma—so much so that experts may disagree. The concept of “carcinoma in situ” is not used in the endometrium, but CAH is fairly equivalent to it.

  • 复杂性非典型增生(CAH):是癌前病变。实际上,CAH的旺炽性病例很难区分高分化子宫内膜癌,以至于专家们可能诊断不一致。子宫内膜不用“原位癌”的概念,但CAH相当于原位癌。

Do not be fooled by artifactual crowding in a biopsy. When glands are scraped out of the uterine cavity, they may clump together and look crowded. You need to find an intact piece of endometrium to evaluate the gland to stroma ratio. Also, beware of calling hyperplasia in the setting of an endometrial polyp (they are often crowded) or secretory endometrium.


不孕症检查(The Infertility Workup)

When evaluating an endometrial biopsy specimen for infertility, first rule out the conditions listed earlier that can cause bleeding. Some infertility centers request that you date the endometrium, estimating the cycle day by histology. They are looking for a luteal phase defect, which is defined as a disparity of over 3 days between the calendar date and the histologic date in two consecutive biopsy specimens.


Proliferative endometrium cannot be dated. The first secretory change occurs, on average, on day 16 or so of a 28-day cycle. This change is the appearance of clear secretory vacuoles at the base of the epithelial cells, below the nuclei. When you see just a few of these in a generally proliferative endometrium, it is called interval endometrium. Beyond that day, specific histologic criteria are as follows:


  • Days 16 to 20: glands are the most helpful feature

  • 第16至20天:腺体是最有用的特征

  • Day 16: subnuclear vacuoles, pseudostratified nuclei

  • 第16天:核下空泡,核假复层

  • Day 17: subnuclear vacuoles, but with an orderly row of nuclei (the “piano key” look)

  • 第17天:核下空泡,核整齐排列(像是钢琴键那样)

  • Day 18: vacuoles above and below nuclei

  • 第18天:核上和核下空泡

  • Day 19: few vacuoles, found only above nuclei; orderly row of nuclei, no mitoses

  • 第19天:少数细胞含有核上空泡;细胞核排列整齐(译注:核回到基底部),无核分裂

  • Day 20: peak secretions in lumen and ragged luminal border, vacuoles rare

  • 第20天:管腔分泌高峰,管腔边缘参差不齐,空泡罕见

  • From days 21 to 28, the glands change little. They are exhausted and appear low columnar with orderly nuclei, no mitoses, and ragged luminal edges. They may also have degenerative apical vacuoles—tricky to discern from days 19 to 20. After day 21, the stroma is the key:

  • 从第21天到第28天,腺体改变不大。腺体分泌衰竭,呈低柱状,核整齐排列,无核分裂,管腔边缘参差不齐。在第19天到第20天,它们也可能有退化的顶端空泡,难以辨别。总之,第21天之后,间质是关键:

  • Day 21: beginning of stromal edema; secretion continues

  • 第21天:间质水肿开始;分泌继续

  • Day 22: peak stromal edema with naked nuclei

  • 第22天:间质水肿达到顶峰,(译注:间质细胞出现)裸核

  • Day 23: spiral arteries become prominent

  • 第23天:螺旋动脉变得显著

  • Day 24: periarteriolar cuffing with predecidua (stromal cells around the arteries begin to get plump pink cytoplasm, creating a pink halo around the vessels)

  • 第24天:动脉周围出现前蜕膜化(动脉周围的间质细胞开始形成丰满的粉红色细胞质,在血管周围形成粉红色的一圈)

  • Day 25: predecidual change under the surface epithelium

  • 第25天:表面上皮的下方出现前蜕膜化

  • Day 26: decidual islands coalesce, lymphocytes begin to infiltrate stroma

  • 第26天:蜕膜岛融合(译注:形成大范围前蜕膜化),淋巴细胞开始浸润间质

  • Day 27: many neutrophils in a solid sheet of decidua, with focal necrosis and hemorrhage 第27天:成片的实性蜕膜中出现许多中性粒细胞,伴局灶性坏死和出血

  • Day 28: prominent necrosis, hemorrhage, clumping, and break up

  • 第28天:显著坏死、出血、结块和崩解

妊娠改变(Changes of Pregnancy)

Gestational endometrium is a solid sheet of decidua. Decidual cells are plump polygonal cells with pink to lavender cytoplasm and small oval nuclei. The glandular epithelium becomes almost papillary in nature with a hypersecretory appearance.


Well-formed glands with ballooning, cleared-out cytoplasm and wildly pleomorphic nuclei are characteristic of the Arias-Stella reaction, a normal reaction to pregnancy (Figure 17.10). The changes can be focal. The lack of mitoses or infiltration differentiates this from clear cell carcinoma, as does the age of the patient (clear cell is usually postmenopausal) and the surrounding gestational changes.


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.10. Arias-Stella reaction. Glands in the gestational endometrium can show bizarre cytology, including cleared-out cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic irregular nuclei (circle).

图17.10 Arias-Stella反应。妊娠期子宫内膜的腺体可能显示奇怪的细胞学,包括透明的细胞质,大的深染不规则核(圆圈)。

In a patient with a history of pregnancy, you may see a placental site nodule: aggregates of intermediate trophoblastic cells, which have scattered large nuclei that look atypical, within hyaline nodules. Placental site nodules should be well-circumscribed. They are the benign remnants of old implantation sites (see Figure 16.8 in Chapter 16).


化生类型(Types of Metaplasia)

Metaplasia by itself is a benign process; however, metaplasia is often accompanied by hyperplasia. Still, it is important to recognize these cell varieties and not call them cancer. The less ominous sounding word change may be used instead of metaplasia. Cell types include the following:


  • Tubal metaplasia: luminal cilia in an epithelium that looks slightly plumped up and cleared out (If you overlook the cilia, the nuclei may appear atypical.)

  • 输卵管化生:上皮的腺腔面出现纤毛,这些细胞看起来略微丰满和透明(如果你忽略了纤毛,会觉得核非典型)

  • Squamous metaplasia: swirling islands of immature squamous cells and, rarely, keratinization

  • 鳞状化生:未成熟鳞状细胞形成旋涡状细胞岛,很少有角化

  • Mucinous metaplasia: mucinous, endocervical-type cells

  • 粘液化生:粘液性,宫颈内膜型细胞

  • Eosinophilic metaplasia: increased eosinophilic cytoplasm; cells can proliferate in glands to the point of looking papillary (If the cells merge to form syncytial papillary tufts, it is papillary syncytial metaplasia.)

  • 嗜酸性化生:嗜酸性细胞质增多;细胞可以在腺体中增殖,达到乳头状程度(如果细胞合并,形成合胞体乳头状细胞簇,称为乳头状合胞体化生)

  • Clear cell change: clear cells

  • 透明细胞改变:透明细胞

子宫内膜恶性肿瘤(Endometrial Malignancies)

The endometrium has two cell types that can transform: glandular and stromal. Glandular cells give rise to several types of carcinoma, including endometrioid, serous, and clear cell. The stromal cells give rise to stromal sarcomas; these are entirely different from the leiomyosarcomas of the myometrium.


Endometrioid carcinoma is the most common type of endometrial cancer. It usually occurs in postmenopausal women (80% of cases), like its precursor lesion, complex atypical hyperplasia. Be cautious about diagnosing either type in a young woman, although it can happen.


Endometrioid carcinoma, in its well-differentiated form, closely resembles atypical endometrial glands. Architecturally, they are fused and complex and cover large areas without intervening stroma (Figure 17.11). The overall pattern may appear cribriform or villoglandular (like a villous adenoma of colon). The tumor may be limited to endometrium or may invade myometrium or adjacent organs; the extent determines stage. The grade is determined by cytology and architecture. High grade tumors are equivalent to “poorly differentiated.”


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.11. Endometrioid carcinoma. Foci of well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma can be difficult to distinguish from complex atypical hyperplasia. However, the complicated proliferation of fused and cribriform glands in this biopsy specimen is diagnostic of carcinoma. The nuclei in this example resemble those of complex atypical hyperplasia.

图17.11 子宫内膜样癌。高分化子宫内膜样癌的病灶很难区分复杂性非典型增生。然而,在这例活检标本中,融合腺体和筛状腺体组成的复杂增殖已满足癌的诊断条件。本例细胞核类似于复杂性非典型增生。

FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) grade 1: The tumor is < 5% solid, where solid means sheets of cells that have lost their glandular differentiation. Areas of squamous metaplasia (common) are not counted as solid areas.


FIGO grade 2: The tumor is 6%–50% solid. 

FIGO 2级:实性肿瘤为6%-50%。

FIGO grade 3: The tumor is > 50% solid.

FIGO 3级:实性肿瘤>50%。

Significant nuclear atypia (one of those features that require experience to judge) can raise the grade by one level unless the tumor is already grade 3. Variants of endometrioid carcinoma include those with squamous differentiation, a villoglandular variant, a secretory variant, and a ciliated cell variant. These variants are identified only when the majority of the tumor takes on that morphology.


Serous carcinoma is a separate tumor pathway, leading to a distinct type of carcinoma. Serous carcinoma is not associated with hormonal exposure or endometrial hyperplasia. It is considerably more aggressive than endometrioid carcinoma and tends to be diagnosed in older women. It is, by definition, high grade and therefore is not graded.


Histologically, it resembles serous carcinoma of the ovaries (formerly known as papillary serous). Therefore, its hallmark is a papillary architecture, although this is not required for diagnosis. The papillae have broad or fine fibrovascular cores with complex branching (Figure 17.12). The cells are notable for extreme atypia, including cherry-red nucleoli, bizarre mitoses, and multinucleated cells. As in the ovary, psammoma bodies are common.


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Figure 17.12. Serous carcinoma. Papillary structures are lined by atypical nuclei with prominent nucleoli (circle).

图17.12 浆液性癌。乳头状结构被覆着非典型细胞核,核仁显著(圆圈)。

The precursor lesion is believed to be endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma (EIC), a transformation of the surface epithelium, especially in polyps in older women. EIC is not quite analogous to carcinoma in situ, because EIC itself has metastatic potential. EIC, like serous carcinoma, is often associated with a p53 mutation leading to overexpression. An immunostain for p53 is sometimes used to confirm the diagnosis. Histologically, EIC appears as an abrupt transition on the surface from benign atrophic epithelium to pleomorphic, enlarged, atypical, mitotically active cells (Figure 17.13).


外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第17章 子宫(Uterus)

Figure 17.13. Endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma. There is an abrupt transition (arrow) from normal surface epithelium (left) to malignant cells (right). The cells of endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma resemble those of serous carcinoma.

图17.13 子宫内膜上皮内癌(EIC)。从正常表面上皮(左)到恶性细胞(右)的突然转变(箭)。EIC细胞类似于浆液性癌细胞。

Clear cell carcinoma, like serous carcinoma, occurs primarily in older women, has no relation to hormone exposure or hyperplasia, and has a poor prognosis. Histologically, it will remind you of clear cell neoplasms in other organs (such as renal cell). The cytoplasm is glycogen-rich and clear, the cell borders are distinct, and the architecture can be tubular, papillary, or solid. It may be mistaken for secretory endometrioid carcinoma but has much more nuclear pleomorphism. Like serous carcinoma, this tumor is high-grade by definition. Other rare types of carcinoma include squamous, mucinous, transitional cell, undifferentiated, and small cell carcinoma.


Endometrial stromal sarcoma is a rare malignancy of the endometrial stromal cells. The difference between a benign stromal nodule and a low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma is in the interface with the surrounding tissue—sarcomas are infiltrative. These sarcomas have minimal atypia and few mitoses, as well as a prominent plexiform vascular proliferation (like the normal spiral arteries gone wild). The high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, however, has marked atypia and bizarre mitoses, like most high-grade sarcomas.


Malignant mullerian mixed tumor (carcinosarcoma) is a mixed tumor consisting of malignant glands in a sarcomatous stroma. It appears as a recognizable carcinoma, such as endometrioid type, with adjacent sarcomatous cells (large angular pleomorphic nuclei) in the stroma (Figure 17.14). Other soft tissue elements, like skeletal muscle or cartilage, may also show up. It is similar in concept to a carcinosarcoma of other organs.


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Figure 17.14. Malignant mullerian mixed tumor. This tumor is defined by the presence of carcinomatous cells in the epithelium (arrow) and sarcomatous cells in the stroma (circle). The carcinomatous cells are hyperchromatic and crowded; elsewhere in this biopsy specimen there were malignant glands. The sarcomatous cells are hyperchromatic, large, and irregular in shape, similar to malignant fibrous histiocytoma–type cells found in other sarcomas (see Chapter 28).

图17.14 恶性苗勒混合瘤(癌肉瘤,MMMT)。定义为上皮中存在癌细胞(箭)并且间质中存在肉瘤细胞(圆圈)。癌细胞深染拥挤;这例活检标本的其他部位有恶性腺体。肉瘤细胞呈深染的大而不规则形状,类似于其他肉瘤中发现的恶性纤维组织细胞瘤型细胞(见第28章)。

In contrast, an adenosarcoma is a neoplasm with benign glands and a malignant stroma. An adenofibroma is benign glands with benign stroma. These tumors are similar to the phyllodes tumor of the breast, which can range from malignant to benign stroma.



The most common neoplasm of the uterus is actually the leiomyoma, a benign smooth muscle tumor of the myometrium. These tumors can be huge, multiple, myxoid, even necrotic, and still benign. Although benign, many are removed for symptomatic relief. When sampling these at the grossing bench, what you are looking for are areas that are different in texture from the typical rubbery dense consistency; areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, or dense white foci should be sampled.


The classic leiomyoma is a spindle cell lesion with intersecting fascicles of elongated cells, typically intersecting at right angles (Figure 17.15). The nuclei are long and thin with fine pale chromatin and small nucleoli. You may also see “corkscrew” nuclei, which are characteristic of smooth muscle. The stroma may be fibrotic, edematous, myxoid, or even hemorrhagic; these are all permissible degenerative changes in the absence of nuclear atypia or a high mitotic rate.


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Figure 17.15. Leiomyoma. The low-power impression is that of fascicles or bundles of cells, some parallel to the slide (arrow) and some coming out at right angles (arrowhead). Inset: The nuclei are tapered and pale, with occasional paranuclear vacuoles, and sometimes show “corkscrew” morphology, as though the nucleus was twisted longitudinally. (Dog owners may liken this lumpy shape to something else.)

图17.15 平滑肌瘤。低倍印象是细胞束,有些平行于切片(箭),有些呈直角(箭头)。插图:细胞核一端渐细(译注:一般形容平滑肌核“两端钝圆”),淡染,偶有核旁空泡,有时呈“拧毛巾样”形态,似乎细胞核被纵向扭曲。(养狗的人可能会把这种块状的形状比作其他东西。)(译注:直白说“狗屎”)

Leiomyosarcoma tends to present as a large, solitary mass and is not thought to arise from preexisting leiomyomas. It may resemble the fascicular leiomyoma, but mitotic activity must be high, over 10 per 10 high-power fields, and cytologic atypia should be prominent (Figure 17.16). (In sarcomas, atypia takes the form of large dark nuclei with crisp, irregularly shaped nuclear borders.) The third feature is coagulative necrosis. The threshold for diagnosing leiomyosarcoma is quite high in the uterus, unlike a leiomyomatous lesion found in the soft tissue or retroperitoneum, for example. In the uterus, atypia without mitotic activity, or mitoses without atypia, should discourage you from calling a sarcoma.


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Figure 17.16. Leiomyosarcoma. The threshold for diagnosing leiomyosarcoma in the uterus is high. This lesion should be a much more cellular version of the leiomyoma, with mitoses (arrow), atypical and pleomorphic cells (circle), and necrosis (not seen here).

图17.16 平滑肌肉瘤。诊断子宫平滑肌肉瘤的门槛很高。这种病变应该远比平滑肌瘤的细胞更丰富,伴有核分裂(箭头)、非典型和多形性细胞(圆圈)以及坏死(此处未看到)。

Adenomatoid tumor is a benign proliferation of mesothelial origin. It often occurs on the serosal surface of the uterus, resembling a leiomyoma both grossly and microscopically. The mesothelial tumor cells induce a smooth muscle proliferation that is probably often mistaken for leiomyoma. However, on close inspection, you will see small clefted spaces between the muscle bundles, lined by cuboidal cells forming gland-like or angiomatoid lumens. The cells can appear epithelial by histology and in fact would stain for cytokeratins. Accidentally missing it and calling it a leiomyoma does no harm to the patient; mistaking it for metastatic adenocarcinoma would be disastrous, however. Unlike adenocarcinoma, it should stain for calretinin.




The Practice of Surgical Pathology:A Beginner’s Guide to the Diagnostic Process


Diana Weedman Molavi, MD, PhD

Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

ISBN: 978-0-387-74485-8 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-74486-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2007932936

© 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC




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